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1996 8 29 4 ·225· - 郭玉璞 王翠娣 高淑芳 任海涛  -( GBS) , 40 GBS 。 40 28, 6; 22, 14 , 2 2。 , CSF 9 1. 9% , 63. 5% , IgG 75. 0%。 38, 2, 13。 25 19, 6。。: GBS ,。 GBS、 ( AM AN) ,。 GBS 22, 7, 、 2 Fish r 1。 AM AN , 2,,。   -   ,     Guillain Barré Guillain-Barré syndrome: a clinical analysis and pathological study on 40 cases of sural nerve biopsy  Guo Yup u , W ang Cuid i , Gao Shuf ang , et al . Dep artm ent of N eurology , P eking Union Med ial Colleg e H osp ital , B ei ing 100730   40 - Abstract Th clinical f atur s and th r sult of sural n rv biopsy of cas s of Guillain Barré syndrom ( GBS) ar r port d in this articl . Of th 40 cas s, 27 w r mal s, 13 w r f mal s. Th ir ag s rang from 14 to 77 y ars. Thirty-s v n of th pati nts w r b tw n 15~ 60 y ars ( 92. 5% ) . “ ” 25 , Th ir past histori s w r with symptoms of upp r r spiratory inf ction or catching cold in cas s , , . with diarrh a in thr cas s wi th oth r illn ss in nin cas s and unknow n in thr cas s Th clini- cal f atur s consist d of acut ons t in 28 cas s, subacut ons t in six cas s and chronic ons t in six cas s. Th r w r pur ly spinal n rv involv m nt in 22 cas s, cranial-spinal n rv involv m nt in 14 cas s, multicranial n rv paraly sis in tw o cas s and dy sautonomia in two cas s. Th l ctrophy si- . ological studi s sho


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