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20 06 3 0 3 ·217 ·
(4 30 03 0 ) 熊文化 陈安民 郭风劲 张衣北 黄 涛
【】 、PIN 1 (hPIN 1) hPIN 1 、。 RT-PCR
MG-63 RNA 990bp hPIN 1 cDNA , 、
BamH Ⅰ Hind Ⅲ、hPIN 1 , BamH Ⅰ Hind Ⅲ pIRES2-EGFP
, 、hPIN 1 phPIN 1。 cDNA ;BamH
ⅠHindⅢ, 、5.3 +0.99kb , 。 、
PIN 1 hPIN 1 、。
【】 PIN 1
Cloning and constructionof sense and antisenseeukaryotic expressionvector of human PIN1.X iong Wenhua, Chen Anmin,
GuoFengj ing et al .Dep artment of Orthop edic, Tongj i Hosp ital, Tongj i Medical College, H uazhong Uni ersity of S ci -
ence and Technology, Wuhan 4 30 03 0
【Abstract】 Objective To clone and const r ct e karyotic expressing vectors of sense and antisense h man PIN 1 (hPIN 1)
genes.Methods Total RNA was extracted from MG-63 cells, then the hPIN 1 cDNA w as amplified by RT-PCR.At the same
time the sense and antisense hPIN 1 genes w ere formed by binding BamH Ⅰand Hind Ⅲ in cis and trans-directions.At the end
they were cloned into the e karyotic expressing vector pIRES2-EGFP in cis and trans directions sing DNA recombinant tech-
nology.The recombinant vectors w ere f rther identified by digestion of BamH Ⅰ and Hind Ⅲ.Results Seq encing analysis re-
vealed that the orientation of the ligations and the reading f rame w ere correct.After digested by BamH Ⅰ and Hind Ⅲ, two
fragments of 5.3 kb and 0.898 kb respectively w ere formed in sense and antisense e karyotic expressing vectors.Elect ro-
phoretic res lts w ere completely coincident with theoretical calc lation.Conclusion H man PIN 1 sense and antisense genes
were s ccessf lly cloned and e karyotic expressing vectors w ere s ccessf lly constr cted.
【 ey words】 PIN1 Isomerase Antisense gene Ee karyotic expressing vector
PIN 2 0 Invitrogen ;
,, cy- BamH ⅠHind ⅢNew England Bio-
clinD1、β-catenin、p53 ; labs ; DNA Roche
、、、PIN, ;X-Gal IPTG
。PIN Omega , 。