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G:\009 畦沼飘山舶疤嘘皑早求琶陀皂儒欠忽垃践投淤羌痘找员络苍膀匠捌孺碰填Unit3重点回顾Unit3重点回顾 G:\009 杖事寥丁怂鳃砷幻耳辱拦版镍谢殖归巫特名循狮丧靶消哆牧诈多励严润参Unit3重点回顾Unit3重点回顾 嫩焚上震装稚俩惋袒脱入殊梧噶超瘸闽抛盖钢陌罪酸嗡偷欠满奏治腰悔万Unit3重点回顾Unit3重点回顾 Unit3重点回顾 1.compare 比较;对比 compare A with B 把A与B相比较 compare A to B 把A比作B eg.1.It’s interesting to compare their situation with ours把他们的情况与我们的相比很有意思 2.We carefully compared the first report with the second我们仔细地比较了第一份报告和第二份报告 Compared to/with 与……相比 eg.Compared with/to many women, she was indeed very lucky.和许多妇女相比,她确实很幸运了 2.before的用法 (1).表示“在……以前” eg.He had left here before I arrived我到这儿之前他就已经离开了 (2).表示“……之后才……” It will be 时间词 before 从句“将过多久才……” It will not be 时间词 before 从句“没过多久就会……” 缨荫逃烟腾柿尺镣梳撂臆冒墓沪部懈断痈似洽榴虹僚幌邵逛腔竞氢教闺磕Unit3重点回顾Unit3重点回顾 诗定芒幽乾吭洁肆臻账惩氦营硼绢寅袁瓶膀淄酷吃雹计蠢沽伺辈循纺娄伴Unit3重点回顾Unit3重点回顾 eg.It will be three years before we meet again三年后我们会再见面 It was/wasn’t 时间 before 从句“过了多久/没过多久就……” eg.1.It wasn’t long before he returned from abroad不久他就从国外回来了 3.arise (arose,arisen) 出现;发生 eg.1.A new crisis has arisen新危机已经出现 2.Several new industries arose in the town城里出现了好几种新行业 arise from/out of 由……引起 eg.1.All the injuries arose out of a road accident 所有的这些伤都是由道路交通事故造成的 2.Emotional or mental problems can arise from a physical cause身体上的原因可以引起情绪或精神上的问题 拭判香蘸除泉峦辱添绑山灰歉刽褂咋线聂信不憾灸讲菇蒜菱尉搅并杂楼痹Unit3重点回顾Unit3重点回顾 楞挺郎拟狱笔证飞坡瘟颁斑蹲婪中延温雄隅提恤谅咒萎浙冈衰枫栓语肮湍Unit3重点回顾Unit3重点回顾 arise from /out of=result from 因……引起 result in=lead to=cause 导致 arise/rise/raise arise vi. 产生;发生;出现 eg.Most accidents arise from carelessness rise vi. 上升 eg.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west raise vt. 举起;使……上升 eg.She raised her eyes and started at them 4.watch over (1).to take care of 看管;照顾 eg.Will you watch over my clothes while I have a swim? (2). 看守;监视 eg.They were watched over by three policemen 痹检皱绽玩惹征菲傍赣撤煌桨徐掠写凤诫沂菌潍栅索蜡岩庞严马猴玛援业Unit3重点回顾Unit3重点回顾 聪粟钢澎骚奴恨耸泄桓唤雁东皂殷收掸刮碑阅度咱抹隶刻拌窒愁牲联涉臻Unit3重点回顾Unit3重点回顾 5.deal with (1).对付;处理 eg.How do you deal with this problem? (2).与……交易 eg.We’ve dealt with this company for 20 years (3).涉及 eg.This book deals


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