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1999, 19( 3) : 4 1542 1 A cta Bot . Bor eal . -Occid ent . Sin . : 1000 -4025-( 1999) 03-0415-07 丛 斌, 贾红武, 李 严, 张丕方, 孙崇荣 ( , 200433) : ( A pical mer istem) : , , ( Sho ot apical mer istem , SAM ) , ( In lo rescence a pical mer is- , ) ( , ) tem phase I AM P Spikelet apical mer istem phase SPA M P ( F lor al mer istem phase, F M P ) 3 , : 0 ; ; , , : ; ; ; : Q 944 : A Studies on morphogenesis and shoot apical meristem ( SAM) of rudimentary panicle in rice CON G Bin, JIA Ho ng -wu , L I Y an , ZHA N G P i- ang, SU N Chong -rong ( School o Li e Science, Fudan U niversit y , Sh ang hai 200433) Abstract: M orphogenesis and shoo t apical merist em ( SA M ) o rudim ent ary panicle o rice ( Guang luai 4) w er e st udied by SEM and t issue sect ioning . Result s demonstrat e t hat t here are conspicuou s changes rom vegetat ive shoot apical merist em t o r eproductive shoo t apical merist em. T he pr ocess o earl y di erent iat io n and dev elo pm ent o SA M w er e divided into t he o llow ing t hree development al phases by t he ident it ies o t he pri- : 1999-03-03 : : ( 1965- ) , ( ) , , 416 19 mor dia: in lorescence apical m eristem phase ( IA M P ) , spikel et apical m er ist em phase ( SP A MP ) and loral merist em phase ( FM P ) . F urt hermo re, each developmental phase , 0 , show ed several di erent phases t hese included in lor escence phase in l orescence phase, in lorescence phase; spikelet phase, spikelet phase, spikelet phase; palea primordium phase, lodicule prim ordium phase, st amen pr im or


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