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25 6 实 验 室 研 究 与 探 索 Vol.25 No.6 2006 6 RESEARCH AND EXPLORATION IN LABORATORY Jun. 2006 翁 棣, 唐先进, 赵新景, 乔少华, 张锦鹏 ( , 31002 ) : 以汽车尾气模拟装置 产生的气体作为模拟废气, 对于JFG 型三元催化剂处理汽车排气 CO HC 和NO 的三效性能进行了考察, 结果表明该催化剂具有低起燃愠度, 良好的冷启动性能和良好的三 效性能同时和HPA-8型催化剂进行了对比, 发现HPA-8型催化剂具有优异的控CO 和NO 的性能 : 汽车尾气; 三效催化转化; 转化率; 实验研究 : X701 : A : 1006-7167( 2006) 06-0611-05 Experimental St udy on t he Catalytic Convert of A utomobile Exhaust WENG Di , TANG X ian-j ing , ZHA O X in-j ing , QIA O Shao-hua , ZHANG Jin-p eng ( School of Environmental and Resource Sciences, Zhejiang Univ. , Hangzhou 31002 , China) Abstract : Three way catalyst(TWC) effects of temperature flowing rate on the removal efficiency. of HC, CO and NO were analyzed. The experimentswere mainly conducted to evaluate the effects of the factors including the quantity of added oxygen, air- fuel ratio (AF) on the conversion efficiency under the same condition, the conversion efficiency for CO is higher than that for HC. At the simulating constant velocity condition of automobile the purifying effect of the converter with beaded catalyst substrate is better than that with honeycomb-like catalyst substrate although their purifying effects are approximately identical at the idling condition. Key words: automobile exhaust; three way catalytic converter ; conversion efficiency; experimental study , , 1 13~ 15% , 1. 1 , JFG( ) ( ) [ 1] 1 , , COHC , NO N2 O2 , , 2000 CO H O, N O , CO 2 2 2 2 1 , 2004 2 , 2007 CO ,


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