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, Journal ofAnhuiAgr.i Sci. 2010, 38( 24) : 13446- 13449 徐丽华 况玲玲
郭又荣 (, 471022)
首先, 介绍了洛阳市农村城镇化发展现状选取镇总户数镇总人口粮食总产量 政预算收入居民年末储蓄存款余额农民
人均纯收入等 6 个指标, 根据5洛阳统计年鉴 20096中的相关数据, 对全市53 个非城关镇的建制镇进行了聚类分析, 结果将这 53 个建制
镇按城镇质量分为 4类分析了洛阳市农村城镇化发展过程中存在的问题, 分别是管理体制不完善, 缺乏有效的经济措施; 城镇布局不
合理, 区域发展不平衡; 城镇基础设施不足, 吸纳人口有限; 小城镇缺乏产业支柱, 发展资金不足; 环境污染严重, 城镇环境保护压力大
提出了洛阳市农村城镇化发展的的相关对策: 从动力机制上看, 洛阳市的城镇化动力机制应向社会主义市场体制逐步转变; 从城镇规模
上看, 洛阳市应选择积极发展中心城区, 做强县城, 培育重点镇; 从城镇功能上看, 洛阳农村城镇化发展应选择专业特色城镇发展模式
洛阳; 农村城镇化; 聚类分析
F320. 3 A 0517- 6611( 2010) 24- 13446- 04
EmpiricalAnalysis on theRuralUrbanization Developmentin LuoyangCity, China
GUO You-rong ( Luoyang N ormalUni ersity, Luoyang, H enan 471022)
Abstract F irstly, de elopm ent status of rural urbanization in Luoyang C ity is introduced. A total of 6 indices are selected, such as total
households in townships, total popu lation in townships, total grain output, financial budget incom e, balance of sa ings deposits at the end of
the year, and per capita net income of farm ers. A ccording to the data in 2009 Luoyang StatisticalY earbook, cluster analysis of 53 designated
towns is carr ied ou.t R esult show s that 53 designated towns are di ided into 4 types according to the econom ic strength. P roblem s in the de e-l
opm ent of rural urbanization in Luoyang City are analyzed, such as mi perfectmanagement system, lack of effecti e econom icm easures, irra-
tional town layout, unbalanced reg ional de elopmen,t inadequate urban infrastructure, lmi ited popu lation absorption, lack of m ain industry
small towns, insufficient de elopm ent cap ita,l serious en ironmental pollution, and great pressure on en ironm ental protection of towns. Coun-
termeasures for the de elopment of rural urbanization in Luoyang C ity are put forw ard. For instance, judg ing from the dynam icm echan
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