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略论中国古陶瓷器物名称英译的一般规范 一.?????? 古陶瓷术语主要包括釉彩、纹饰、器型、工艺技法等几个方面,而器物名称也往往会涉及到这几个方面的的内容。 从目前看到的国外有关中国古陶瓷的著作中,术语在不同的时期有不同的叫法,这并不是说这些术语有对错之分,而是说这些术语越来越科学、准确,反映了中外学术界的交流与相互借鉴。国内古陶瓷出版物中器物名称的英译存在的主要问题是不准确、不科学,与国外学术界通行的译法存在差异;而中文英译的目的就是要让国外的相关人士看懂读懂,如果与国外的通行做法存在差异就不能够获得这种效果。 ? 下面对一些在英译中出现差异较大的釉彩术语名词作一具体分析。 1.? famille verte ???Famille verte is a term coined by Jacquemart in the nineteenth century, and applies to the porcelain decorated in translucent enamels, among which green is dominant, iron red is opaque, but this rarely plays an important part in the decoration. Famille verte has two parts. One consists of ordinary overglaze decorated pieces, and the other of enamel on biscuit pieces, the distinctions between them not always being very clear. The enamel on biscuit type lends itself to slightly denser treatment and the use of white areas is drastically reduced. To the famille verte there may be limited additions of gold for some details, but gold does not normally occur on the enamel on biscuit type. Famille verte is applied only to types made from the seventeenth century onward (Kangxi period) which differ much in style from earlier wares. Famille verte has survived intermittently, having reached its apogee early in the eighteenth century. Famille noire and famille jaune are the variants under the general heading of famille verte. They use the same palette but the emphasis is either on the black or the yellow rather than the green, and in both cases these tend to be background colors. Black is the dominant background color of famille noire, famille noire consisits of a dull black ground covered with a green enamel. Yellow is the dominant background color of famille janue. The five-colored wares known as Wucai are complicated, as the blue had to be put on under the glaze and fired, and the enamel colores added and refired. Towards the end of the seventeenth century the use of underglaze blue in combination with the overglaze colors diminished. It is finally abandoned in


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