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传统大众媒介面临着互联网的挑战。(be faced with) Traditional mass media are faced with the challenge of the Internet. * 从调查结果似乎可以看出低劣的住房条件和不健康的身体之间的关系。(indicate) The survey results seem to indicate a connection between poor housing conditions and bad health. * 纪律在部队里至关重要。(essential) Discipline is essential in an army. * 抽烟厉害的人宜定期进行检查。(advisable L. 49) For heavy smokers, a regular medical check is advisable. * 在加拿大,不同省份的不同学校有不同的收费表准。(vary from ) In Canada, tuition fees vary from province to province and from school to school. * Exercise 4: Word building Divide the following words into different groups according to their “prefix”, and tell the meaning of each of the words. preparation, recall, submarine, republish, precook, rediscover, prejudge, recommence, subordinate, prewar, subway, review, preview, redesign, suburban * Key words and expressions cope with (Title), give an indication of sth. (L. 22) worry about (L. 1) as a whole (L. 37) be expected to do (L. 3) be concerned with (L. 38) be faced with (L. 3) look through (L. 44) no further than (L. 14) get a picture of (L. 48) refer to (L. 18) be relevant to (L. 52) * Checklist of objectives To check your overall comprehension of the text To reflect on your skills of skimming and scanning To check your usage of key words and phrases To reflect on your paraphrasing translation skills * * * * Submerge: to go below the surface of the sea or a river or lake; to cover or hide something completely Recommence: restart Subordinate: to put someone or something into a less important position Her personal life has been subordinated to her career. * Comprehensive English 3 Unit 1 Efficient study * Shi Limin 石丽敏 MEd, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 7 years of tertiary level students’ teaching experience Cambridge BEC oral examiner, KET/PET/FCE oral examiner, judge for National New Concept English Competition Be your friend. * You are at a higher stage … CE2: CE3: 第一部分单词拼写,占10分 (根据音标) 第二部分词汇选择题,占20分 第三部分 paraphrasing选择, 35分 第


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