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34 卷第 18 期 西 部 皮 革 Vol.34 No.18 第 18 期 2012 年9 月 WESTLEATHER Sep.2012 制革废水脱氮技术的发展现状及展望 胡静 (陕西科技大学资源与环境学院,陕西 西安 710021) 摘 要: 制革废水有机物浓度高,含硫、铬等有害离子 ,而且氨氮含量 高,高浓度氨氮严重影响 了废水的 达标排放。本文对国 内外制革废水氨氮处理的研究进展进行了综述,介绍 了制革废水中氨氮的来源及常 见的减少废水中氨氮的方法,主要包括物理法、物理化学法和生物法三大类。分析 了制革废水氨氮处理工 艺中存在的主要问题,提出了相关的解决方法。 关键词: 制革废水;氨氮 ;脱氮;物化处理 ;生物处理 中图分类号: 文献标识码: X 52 A 文章编号:1671-1602 (2012)18-0041-05 Development Status and Prospect of Treatment Technique on Ammonium Removal of Tannery Wastewater HU Jing (College of Resources and Environment , Shanxi University of Science and Technology, Xian 710021, China ) Abstract: The characteristics of tannery wastewater are the high level of contamination of organic sub- stances and poisonous elements like Cr and S, and high concentration of ammonium seriously affects the effluent to meet discharge standand. The development of study on treatment of tannery wastewater is intro- duced and commented in this essay. It consists of a few aspects including the source of ammonia in tan- nery wastewater and the available choices of process for eliminating the ammonia. The main technologies are physical and chem-physical and biological treatment.And the ammonia-nitrogen removal mechanisms and some problems were also introduced.Finally some related solutions were put forward. Keywords: tannery wastewater; ammonium; nitrogen removel; physicochemical removal; biological removal 量也随之日益增多,废水中氨氮 氨氮的大量排放不仅


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