
Chapter 5 DNA mutation repair and damage-生工12.pdf

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Chapter 5 DNA mutation repair and damage-生工12

Chapter 5 DNA Mutation, Damage, and Repair 第五章DNA的损伤、突变和修复 Content • Mutation • Replication errors and their repair • DNA damage • Repair of DNA damage 1 Mutation • Mutation (突变)refers to any heritable change in the base sequence of a DNA molecule. • Mutagen (突变源)is a physical or chemical agent that causes mutations to occur (or increase the frequency of their occurrence). • Mutagenesis (突变发生)is the process of producing a mutation. Life and biodiversity (生物多样性)depend on the balance between mutation and its repair • If the mutation rates (突变率)are too high, the species or the individual would be destroyed. • If there is no mutation, evolution would not go on and new species, including humans, would not have arisen. Important sources for mutation 突变的重要来源 • Inaccuracy in DNA replication: Errors; • Damage to the genetic material (spontaneously or assaulted by chemical agents and radiation) ; • Insertions generated by transposition (转 位)。 The nature of mutations 突变的类型 • 1. Point mutations Switches of one base for another The nature of mutations (continued) • 2. Insertions (插入) • 3. Deletions (缺失) • 4. Gross rearrangement of chromosome. (染色 体重排) These mutations might be caused by insertion by transposon (转座子)or by aberrant (异常)action of cellular recombination processes. • Rate of spontaneous mutation (自发突变)at any given site on chromosome ranges from 10 -6 to 10 -11 per round of DNA replication, with some sites where mutations arise at high or low frequency. • Some mutation-prone (易突变)sequences in human genome are repeats of simple di-, tri- or tetr


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