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Int J Lab Med May Vol No G C O PD D G COPD IPFI IPFI COPD IPFI IPFI G ROC G pg mL IPFI D IPFI P G G ROC G COPD IPFI D DOI issn A j The performance evaluation of G test on patients with invasive pulmonary fungal infections complicated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Zhang L e Y in N ing Clinical L aborato r the S ix th H os ital A iliate d to X in iang M e d ical Univ e rs it Urumchi X in iang China y p f f j y j Abstract Objective T o evaluate the value of D lucan G test in the diagnosis of invasive pulmonary f ungal inf ection g IPFI in patients w ith chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD Methods COPD patients w ith high risk of IPFI w ere en rolled in the study and w ere divided into IPFI group and nonIPFI g roup T he G test w ere performed on those people w hile the tra ditional methods sputum smear and fungal culture w ere also performed T he D lucan concentrations of IPFI group and g nonIPFI g roup w ere compared and then the areas under receiver operating characteristic curve ROC w ere calculated T he sensi tivity specificity ositive predictive value negative predictive value and the area under ROC of the tw o methods G test and tradi p tional methods w ere compared Results T he sensitivity specificity ositive predictive value negative predictive value of G test p w ere respectively w hen


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