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中国法医学杂志 CH IN J FORENS IC M ED 2011 26 3 100 1 2 1 3 2 2 4 吕 途 , 欧桂生 , 成建定, 骞润宇, 金洪年, 成 明, 马雁兵 ( 1. 中山大学中山医学院法医学系, 广东 广州 510080; 2. 广东省公安厅刑事技术中心, 广东 广州 5 10050; 3. 江门市公安局刑警支队, 广东 江门 529000; 4. 广州市刑事科学技术研究所, 广东 广州 510030) , , 2005 20 10 100 66. 7% 2 1 3, 88. 0% 4785. 0% 95. 0% 16~ 4038. 1% , 59. 0% 3, lo istic 80. 5% , , , , lo istic ; ; ; A 1001- 5728( 20 11) 03- 0184- 04 1 2 1 3 The forensic analysis of 100 prostitutemurders( LV Tu , OU Gu ishen , CHENG Jiand in , Q IAN Runyu , 2 2 4 JIN H on nian , CHENG M in , MA Y anb in /1. Department of Forensic Pathology, Zhongshan School of M edicine, Sun Yatsen University, Guangzhou 510080, hina; 2. enter of rmi inalTechnology, PublicSecurity Bureau of Guangdong Province; Guangzhou 510050, hina; 3. Public Security Bureau of Jiangm en, Guangdong Jiangmen 529000, hina; 4. Guangzhou rmi inalScience and Technology Institute, Guangzhou 510030, hina) AbstractObjectiveAnalyze the character istics of prostitutemurders in order to provide references for forensic exam ination and investi ation. M ethods The crmi e scene and autopsy data of 100 cases occurrin betw een 2005- 2010 w ere stud ied retrospectively w ith ep idem iolo ic description. Results Prostitute murders main ly took place at 9: 00pm3: 00am in the city . Peak months of occurrence w ere April and Ju ly . Indoor crmi e scenes occup ied 85. 0% of all cases . The a e of 95. 0% cases ran ed from 16 to 40 years old. Hemorrha ic shock and mechan ical asphyx ia w ere main causes of deaths, occupied 59. 0% and



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