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2009 7 14 7 877 51 , 51 51 41, 10 ; 43 , 8; , 45 , 5 , 1 3 , , , , ; ; Su rgical treatm ent of 51 cases w ith congen italm ed iastinal tracheobronchogen ic cyst ZHAN G Y,i WEI X iang, PAN Tiecheng D ep artm ent of Cardiothoracic Surg er , Tongj iH osp ital, H uazhong Universit of Science and Technolog , Wuhan 430030, China Ab stract Obj ective To explore clinical and pathological characteristics ofm ediastinal tracheo ronchogenic cyst, and to mi prove the level of diagnosis and treatm ent. M ethod s The clinical data w ere analyzed of 51 cases of congenitalm ediastinal tracheo roncho genic cyst via surgicaloperative resected. Resu lts In 51 cases, 41 cases suffered various sym ptom s preoperatively, 10 cases diagnosed in cidently tracheo ronchogenic cyst during X plain screening and m edical exam ination. 43 patients w ere diagnosed preoperatively as neuro genic tum or, thymoma, lung cancer andm ediastinal tum or. 8 patientsw ere diagnosed correctly. Postoperative all patients received a unin cidence course. The sym ptom s disappeared in 45 cases and the sym ptom s of 5 cases rem ained postoperatively. 1 patient recurred 3 years later, whow as healed y m eans of reoperating. The rem ainder of the patients did not recur until now. Conclu sion Surg ical therapy is the m ost optmi al alternative for congenital tracheo ronchogenic cyst ofm ediastinum. Ithelps to m ake diagnosis, to relieve the sym ptom s and to guard against the com plications and mi prove the prognosis of the patients. K ey w ord s congenita;l m ediastinum; tracheo ronchogenic cyst 1980 ( 39% ), 10( 196% ) : 51 1~ 2008 10, 51 X ,


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