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J Neurooncol (2007) 83:183–189
DOI 10.1007/s11060-006-9284-0
Expression of Human MCM6 and DNA Topo II a
in craniopharyngiomas and its correlation with recurrence
of the tumor
Jianguo Xu Æ Sizhong Zhang Æ Chao You Æ
Siqing Huang Æ Bowen Cai Æ Xiaojie Wang
Received: 22 August 2006 / Accepted: 19 October 2006 / Published online: 5 April 2007
Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2007
Abstract Craniopharyngioma often recurs after resec- tumors of both subtypes the LIs of tumors with recurrence
tion resulting in poor outcome for the affected patients. were higher than those without recurrence. There was a
The reliable criteria for predicting the tumor behavior are strong linear positive correlation between MCM6 LI and
still lacking. It has been suggested that proliferative DNA Topo II a LI (r = 0.713; p = 0.000) in the cranio-
potential of the tumor cells is necessary for recurrence. pharyngiomas studied. The median MCM6 LI of the total
Present study evaluated the cell multiplication activity, 20 recurrent craniopharyngiomas (31.49%) was not sig-
which is possibly related to relapse in 32 patients with nificantly different from that of their primary tumors
adamantine epithelioma (AE) and 31 patients with squa- (29.65%). The long term risk of tumor recurrence is
mous papillary tumor (SP). For this tissue specimens from higher in AE than SP and it is associated with MCM6 and
their primary and recurring tumors were collected and DNA Topo II a expression.
immunohistochemical analysis of the expression of
minichromosome maintenance protein 6 (MCM6) and Keywords Craniopharyngioma DNA topoisomerase II
DNA topoisomerase II alpha (DNA Topo II a) in the alph
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