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2. He stood still in front of the shop windows as if he were ______ something in them. A. admiring B. looking C. respecting D. liking 解析:选A。 admire钦佩,赞赏;look看着;respect尊重,尊敬;like喜爱。句意为:他静静地站在橱窗前,仿佛在欣赏里面的物品。 3. If anything ______ to the patient, let me know at once, please. A. happens B. will happen C. take place D. will take place 解析:选A。考查动词(短语)的用法和时态。在条件状语从句中,用一般现在时代替一般将来时,故排除B、D两项;happen表示偶然发生,take place 强调发生的事情是有计划的或有安排的。由句意可知,选A。 4. With a lot of homework ______,I decided not to play with you. A.to do B. doing C.done D. being done 解析:选A。 根据句意可知,“我”有很多作业要做,故用不定式来表达将来含义。 5. We had a party to ______ our parents silver wedding. A. congratulation B. celebrate C. win D. defend 解析:选B。celebrate庆祝;congratulate祝贺;win赢,获胜;defend防卫,防御。由句意知,选B。 6. —Have you heard the story of The merchant of Venice? —No. When and where does the story ______? A. take up B. take off C. take on D. take place 解析:选D。考查动词(短语)辨析。take place = happen,意为“发生”。 7. RMB 1,000 yuan a month could hardly ______ the cost of his life in such a big city in this country. A. spend B. take C. cover D. meet 解析:选C。考查动词辨析。cover = be enough for,意为“够用”。meet表示“支付、偿付(某费用)”时,主语一般是人。 8. I am surprised that you should have been fooled by such a simple______. A. role B. deal C. test D. trick 解析:选D。考查名词词义辨析。be fooled by a simple trick意为“被简单的骗局所蒙骗”,只有D项符合语境。 9. It’s the ______ in the country to go out and pick flowers on the first day of spring. A. use B. habit C. custom D. normal 解析:选C。考查名词词义辨析。It’s the custom to do sth.意为“做某事成为习惯。”句意为:在每个春天的第一天外出采花是这个国家的风俗。 10. —Thanks for ______ me of the meeting this morning. —You’re welcome. A. advising B. suggesting C. reminding D. telling 解析:选C。考查词义辨析。remind sb. of sth.意为“提醒某人某事”;thanks for doing sth.意为“为某事感谢某人”。 11.Although I admire you______ you



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