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INFORMATION FOR CONTRIBUTORS Journal Scope tion must have his/her manuscript reviewed by an OSA Applied Optics publishes paper s on th e applications of Fellow who ha s similar technical interest s and is not a facts, principles, and method s of optics . Th e journal member of th e author s institution . Th e Rapid Commu- appears in three monthly issues whose general scopes are nication should then be submitted t o th e editor accompa- indicated below. Th e Optical Technology division of nied by a letter of endorsement from th e OSA Fellow. Applied Optics publishes paper s pertaining to optical This endorsement will be indicated when th e Rapid Com- testing and instrumentation (including interferometry, munication is published . Rapid Communications are metrology, moire techniques , speckle, and diffraction) ; not reviewed further, and publication is expedited . A lens design; x-ray optics ; micro-optics ; gradient index copyright transfer i s required for all Rapid Commu- optics; radiometry and detectors ; fiber-optic sensors ; thin nications an d Technica l Note s an d publicatio n films; optical material s (excluding lasing and nonlinear charge contributions are appreciated . materials which belong t o th e Lasers, Photonics, and Environmental Optics division) ; medical optics (includ- ing tissue optics and optical medical instruments) ; and Manuscript Submission applied vision. Th e Information Processin g division Papers should be submitted to th e


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