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医学影像学杂志2005 年第 15 卷第 9 期 J Med Imaging Vol. 15 No. 9 2005 异位嗜铬细胞瘤的 CT 与MRI 诊断 1 2 尹森琴 ,章熙道 ( 1. 浙江衢化医院 浙江 衢州 324004 ;2. 浙江大学医学院第一附属医院 浙江 杭州  310003)   【摘  要】 目的:探讨 CT 、MRI 检查对异位嗜铬细胞瘤的诊断价值和检查方案。方法 : 回顾性分析有完整病史资料及手 术病理结果的 17 例病例 ,其中 CT 检查 15 例 ,MRI 检查 10 例。良性 12 例 ,恶性 5 例。结果 :异位嗜铬细胞瘤发病率远远 超过 10 % ,并呈轻度青少年及男性成年优势分布 ,恶性比率达 29. 4 % 。CT 诊断正确率为 86. 7 % ,MRI 诊断正确率为 100 % 。有哪些信誉好的足球投注网站性平扫、增强扫描和临床资料对诊断起关键作用。结论 :CT 、MRI 是异位嗜铬细胞瘤定位定性诊断中有效的影像 学方法 ,并能对良恶性肿瘤作出较准确的判断。 【关键词】 副神经节瘤 ;体层摄影术 ,X 线计算机 ;磁共振成像 ( ) 中图分类号:R736. 6 ;R814. 42    文献标识码 :A    文章编号 :1006 - 9011 2005 09 - 0741 - 03 Imaging diagnosis of ectopic pheochromocytoma  YIN Senqin , ZHANG Xidao. Departent of Radiology , Zhejiang Quhua Hospital , Quzhou 324004 , China 【Abstract 】 Objective :To investigate the value of CT and MRI in diagnosing ectopic pheochromocytoma and the CT and MRI examina tion protocols. Methods :CT scan was performed in 15 patients and MRI were performed in 10 patients. CT and MRI findings of 17 cases ( ) 18 lesions with pathologicallyproved ectopic pheochromocytoma were retrospectively analyzed. Twelve benign and five malignant lesions were included in this study. Results :The incidence of ectopic pheochromocytoma was much higher than 10 % as reported in the past liter ature. The ectopic pheochromocytoma seemed to have a predilection for adolescents and men. The incidence of malignant ectopic pheochromocytoma was rather high reaching 29. 4 %. The accuracy of CT diagnosis was 86. 7 % and MRI was 100 % in this series. The clinical information , plain scan for screening and enhanced scan were very useful for accurate diagnosis.Conclusion :CT and MRI are ef fective imaging modality in diagnosis ectopic pheochromocytoma in localization and determination of the pathologic nature , and t


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