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第三部分 写作技能培优 第三部分 写作技能培优 第四课时 如何写好补语 一、宾语补足语 补充说明宾语是什么、做什么、处于什么状态的成分,其逻辑主语为句子的宾语。常用结构为: 主语+谓语动词+宾语+宾语补足语 I think the film well worth seeing as it carries the main idea that justice can always beat evil.(形容词作宾语补足语) 我认为这部电影很值得一看,它表达了正义总是能够战胜邪恶的观点。 [练一练] 体育运动有助于我们增强体质,提高平衡能力,培养耐力和合作精神。(不定式作宾语补足语) Sports _______________________,improve our ability of balance,develop our endurance and cooperation sense. 二、主语补足语 主语补足语是对主语的补充,在写作中用到的句子相对较少。 She was elected chairman of Students’ Union.(名词短语作主语补足语) 她被选为学生会主席。 help us build up our body 三、with的复合宾语结构 with的复合结构是写作的一种高级表达形式,常见的形式有: With many things to settle,he can’t attend the party.(不定式作宾语补足语) 有许多事情要处理,他不能参加晚会。 【温馨提示】 with是介词,因此在with复合结构中的动词要使用非谓语形式。 As the Internet is becoming more and more popular,we have fewer face-to-face talks with our friends.(as是连词故其后使用了谓语动词) With the Internet becoming more and more popular,we have fewer face-to-face talks with our friends.(with后使用了现在分词短语) 句式升级:恰当地使用with复合结构可以提高句子的档次。 The newly-elected president is busy as he has much work to do. →With much work to do,the newly-elected president is like a cat on a hot brick.(用了with复合结构,并使用了谚语) [练一练] 随着期末考试的来临,老师敦促我们努力学习。(现在分词短语作宾语补足语) _________________________________________,our teacher urges us to study hard. 四、it作形式宾语的复合宾语结构 主语+谓语+形式宾语it+宾语补足语+真正宾语(不定式或宾语从句)可以用于这样结构的动词有:feel,find,think,make,consider等。 I found it pleasant to be with your family.(形容词作宾语补足语) 我发现和你的家人在一起很令人愉快。 With the final exam drawing near/approaching 【温馨提示】 受母语的影响,在写作中往往漏掉这个结构中的形式宾语“it”。 他觉得很有必要接受他们的建议。 ①He found necessary to follow their advice.(×) (按照汉语思维句子意义通顺,但是英语句子结构错误) ②He found it necessary to follow their advice.(√) [练一练] 我认为帮助穷人是我们的责任。(名词作宾语补足语) _____________________________________________________ I think it our duty that we should help the poor. Ⅰ.基础巩固(单句改错) 1.The speaker spoke louder but still couldn’t make himself understand.___________________________ 2.Xi Jinping was elected the chairman of the People’s Republic of China._________________ 3.The teacher asked u



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