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2009 19 1  J Med Imaging Vol.19 No.1 2009 朱 珑,钱金燕 (   250021)   【 】 :, 。:90 , 。: X 、、、、, , , , ;CT 、、, 、 、, ;MRI , , , , , 。, 。:X 、、、;CT , , CT X , ;MRI 。CT MRI 。 【】 ;;; :R681;R445   :A    :1006-9011(2009)01-0084-03 Imaging characteristics and nursing care of pati ents with ankylosing spondylitis ZHU Long, QIAN J in-y an Shand ong Provincial Hosp ita l,J inan 250021, P .R .China 【Abstract】 Objective:To investigate the characteristics on X-ray, CT, and MRI of atients with ankylosing s ondylitis (AS), so as to im rove the diagnostic value of imaging and the nursing care quality of AS atients.Methods:The imaging data of ninety atients with AS were retros ectively analyzed,with s ecial attention given to the imaging manifestations as well as the nursing care of these atients.Re- sults:In early stage, the characteristic of AS on X-ray lain film resented with normal sacroiliac jiont s ace, but the erosion, cystic le- sion of bone or sclerosis around the joint;in later stage, the jiont s ace might entirely disa ear.The feature of AS on CT was basical similar to that on X-ray as to the images, but,the latter was more im erce tible.With res ect to MRI, much more valuable traits could be dis layed for the diagnosis of AS.Im ortantly, the nursing care layed roles in del4aying the rogression and reducing disfigures of dis- ease.Conclusion:AS has its own characteristics on the three imaging modalities.The em loyment of the a roaches alone or combination may offer great benefit to the recise diagnosis, treatment and, articularly the guidance for nursing care ractice. 【Key w ords】 Ankylosing;Imaging;CT;MRI;Nursing care   (ankylosing s ondylitis,AS) ,, [1] ;, , 。 [2] AS , , 。AS 10:1.15 ~40 。 , AS , , 。, , 、、。AS


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