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16 2 第 卷第 期 成都工业学院学报 Vol. 16 ,No. 2 20 13 6 JOURNAL OF CHENGD U TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY June. ,20 13 年 月 成都市饮用水源地工业污染源变化趋势分析 周 筝 ( , 610031) 成都工业学院 机 电工程 系 成都 : , 85% 。 、 、 摘要 郫县是成都市饮 用水源地 承担 了成都市 区 以上 的供水任务 从 工业结构 水 污染源 大气污染源和 固体废 物 污 5 , Spearman 染源几个方面分析 了郫县饮 用水源地三道堰镇和唐昌镇近 年 来工业污染源变化 采 用 秩相关系数法 对变化趋 势 , 。 进行定量评价 提 出水源地环境保护建议 : ; ; ; 关键词 成都市 饮 用水源地 污染源 变化趋势 中图分类号:X824 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095 - 5383 (2013)02 - 0070 - 04 Analysis of Changing Tendency of Industry Pollution Source for Drinking Water Sources in Chengdu ZHOU Zheng (Department of mechanical and electrical engineering ,C hengdu T echnological U niversity ,C hengdu 610031,C hina) Abstract :Drinking w ater source protection is the hot issue focused by the nation and society ,and is directly related to the people 's health and livelihood. Pixian is the place w here w ater is fetched for more than 85% drinking w ater supply in Chengdu ,. In this paper ,the changing tendency of industry pollution source for Pixian drinking w ater sources ,tow ns of Sandaoyan and Tangchang ,in the past five years w as analyzed from the aspects of the industrial structure ,w ater pollution source ,atmosphere pollution source and solid w aste pollution source. The method of Spearman rank correlation coefficient w as adopted to evaluate the changing tendency quantitatively ,and the recommendations of the env


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