我国农家书屋的发展现状_问题与策略【期刊】图书馆学研究 2011-10-23.pdf

我国农家书屋的发展现状_问题与策略【期刊】图书馆学研究 2011-10-23.pdf

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我国农家书屋的发展现状_问题与策略【期刊】图书馆学研究 2011-10-23.pdf

92 图 书 馆 学 研 究 20 111 10 ( 应用版) = 我国自2007 年开始实施的农家书屋建设工程已经初步完成, 并有望在20 12 年实现村村覆盖 也 出现了长效管理机制不足追求 / 形象工程0文献资源不足科学管理有待加强等问题为促进我国农家书 屋的可持续发展, 本文提出了以政府为主体的持续均衡投入把儿童阅读培养放在重要地位建立县级P省级 农家书屋联盟开展农家书屋的数字化升级改造完善管理体制拓展服务范围等几项策略建议 = 农家书屋 可持续发展 发展策略 Abstract: Since 2007, our country has started the construction project of the rural libraries, and now it has nearly completed1 Until 20 12, each administrative village would have its own rural library1 At the same time, it also appeared many problems such as the insufficiency of the long-termmanagement system, some leaders just for vanity project, the insufficiency of the literature resource, the need of more scientific management1 In order to promote the sustainable development of the rural libraries, this paper puts forward five strategies, including, making the government as the main body of the continuous equilibrium investment putting childrenps reading training at a premium, establishing county or provincial rural libraries alliance, quickening the digitization of rural libraries, perfecting the management system and e panding their services1 Key words: rural libraries sustainable development development strategy , / 0 / 0 / 0 , [ 1] 60 , 39 , 20 12 , , , / 0 1 , , 11 1 , , , , , 112 , , , , 20 10 11 1 , [ 2] 1 339 724 852, 67 4 15, 501 32 % RESEA R CH O N L IBRA RY SCIEN CE 93 , , , , 2 2007 3 , 5 34 6, / 0


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