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湖南农业科学 2011 ,(9):112~114,119 Hunan Agricultural Sciences 普洱茶发酵过程中潮水用量对茶品质的影响 1 1 2 1 1 韩海华 ,梁名志 ,周斌星 ,陈继伟 ,罗琼仙 (1. 云南省农业科学院茶叶研究所,云南 勐海 666201 ; 2. 云南农业大学普洱茶学院,云南 昆明 650201) 摘 要:普洱茶(熟茶)是指云南大叶种晒青散茶或普洱茶(生茶)在特定的环境条件下,经微生物、酶和湿热等综合氧化作用,其 内含物质发生一系列转化,而形成普洱茶(熟茶)独有品质特征的过程。在普洱茶的渥堆“发酵”过程中,由于不同潮水量的茶坯所 着生的微生物及堆温、含水率的差异,导致不同潮水量的茶坯中茶多酚、茶黄素、可溶性糖、氨基酸等特征性成分变化快慢不一。 关键词: 普洱茶;渥堆;潮水量;品质 中图分类号:S377 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-060X (2011)09-0112-03 Influence of Water Content on Quality of Pu-er Tea during Fermentation Process 1 2 1 1 HAN Hai-hua , LIANG Ming-zhi, ZHOU Bin-xing , CHENG Ji-wei , LUO Qiong-xian (1. Tea Research Institute, Yunnan Academy of Agricultural Science, Menghai 666201, PRC; 2. College of Pu-er Tea, Yunnan Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, PRC) Abstract: Pu -er ripe tea is one of the special products of Pu -er tea with special quality characteristics, which is maden through the processing process that in a particular environment, the sun dried green tea (Yunnan large leaf tea) or non -ferment Pu -er tea is through integrated oxidation of microorganism, enzymes and damp -heat, and its inner components are conducted a series of transformation. In the process of pile fermentation of Pu-er tea, the different tea bricks with different water content have different amounts of microbial, pile temperatures and water contents, so it may affect the changing speed of characteristic ingredients, such as tea polyphenols, theaflavins (TFs), soluble sugar, amino acid, etc.. Key words: Pu-er tea; pile fermentation


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