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8 4 . 8 . 4 V ol N o 2001 12 Resear ch o f Soil and Water Conserv ation Dec. , 200 1 徐 维 浩 ( , 100036 : 2008 , , , , , , : ; ; ; : S 157: B : 1005-3409 ( 200 1 04 -0010 -0 3 Soil and Water Conservation Is the Core of Ecological Defence and Base of Green Olympics in Beijing XU Wei-hao ( , 100036, B e ij ing W ater R esources B ureau B eij ing Ch ina Abstract: Beijing has g ained t he r ig ht t o host 200 8 Ol ympic Game. With t he idea of g reen Olympics , science and t echnolog y Oly mpics, human Olym pics , and al so get t he w hole w o rlds support . Wat er conservancy is t he m ost import ant part of t he idea realizing gr een Ol ympics and su st ainable development in Beijing . Combined w it h Beijing s soil and w at er conservat ion wo rk , it is clarifies t hat we sho uld str engt hen soil and w ater conserv at ion w o rk t o r ehabilit at e goo d ecolog ical environment and realize g reen Olym pics. : ; ; ; Key ords Beijing soil and wat er conservat ion g reen Oly mpics su stainable dev elo pm ent , 70 6 640 km2 , 20 , 62% 2000 , , 1 1 382 , 2000 G DP 2 460. 5 , , , 2. 2 , 2 700 , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


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