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Song Of The Rain 雨之歌 Kahlil Gibran 卡里·纪伯伦 I am dotted silver threads dropped from heaven by the gods. Nature then takes me, to adorn Her fields and valleys. I am beautiful pearls, plucked from the Crown of Ishtar by the daughter of Dawn To embellish the gardens. When I cry the hills laugh; When I humble myself the flowers rejoice; When I bow, all things are elated. The field and the cloud are lovers And between them I am a messenger of mercy. I quench the thirst of one; I cure the ailment of the other. The voice of thunder declares my arrival; The rainbow announces my departure. I am like earthly life, which begins at The feet of the mad elements and ends under the upraised wings of death. I emerge from the heart of the sea Soar with the breeze. When I see a field in Need, I descend and embrace the flowers and The trees in a million little ways. I touch gently at the windows with my Soft fingers, and my announcement is a Welcome song. All can hear, but only The sensitive can understand. I am the sigh of the sea; The laughter of the field; The tears of heaven. So with love – Sighs from the deep sea of affection; Laughter from the colorful field of the spirit; Tears from the endless heaven of memories. 我是根根晶亮的银线,神把我从天穹撒下人间,于是大自然拿我去把千山万壑装点. 我是颗颗璀璨的珍珠,从阿施塔特女神王冠上散落下来,于是清晨的女儿把我偷去,用以镶嵌绿野大地. 我哭,山河却在欢乐;我掉落下来,花草却昂起了头,挺起了腰,绽开了笑脸. 云彩和田野是一对情侣,我是他们之间传情的信使:这位干渴难耐,我去解除;那位相思成病,我去医治. 雷声隆隆闪似剑,在为我鸣锣开道;一道彩虹挂青天,宣告我行程终了.尘世人生也是如此:开始于盛气凌人的物质的铁蹄之下,终结在不动声色的死神的怀抱. 我从湖中升起,借着以太阳的翅膀翱翔,行进. 一旦我见到美丽的园林,便落下来,吻着花儿的芳唇,拥抱着青枝绿叶,使得草木更加清润迷人. 在寂静中,我用纤细的手指轻轻地敲击着窗户上的玻璃,于是那敲击声构成一种乐曲,启迪那些敏感的心扉. 我是大海的叹息,是天空的泪水,是田野的微笑.这同爱情何其酷肖:它是感情大海的叹息,是思想天空的泪水,是心灵田野的微笑. 卡里·纪伯伦(Kahlil Gibran)是黎巴嫩阿拉伯诗人、作家、画家。被称为“艺术天才”、“黎巴嫩文坛骄子”,是阿拉伯现代小说、艺术和散文的主要奠基人,20世纪阿拉伯新文学道路的开拓者之一。其主要作品蕴含了丰富的社会性和东方精神,不以情节为重,旨在抒发丰富的情感。 * *


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