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28 V ol . 2 8, Suppl. 2002 12 ACT A AU T OM A T ICA SIN ICA Dec. , 2002 王树国  付宜利 ( 15000 1) ( E -m ail meylf u@ hope . hit . edu . cn) , , . . , , . , , , 224 T P ON ADVANCED ROBOT DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY OF CHINA WA N G Shu -GuoFU Y i-L i ( I nsti tut e of R obot , H ar bin I nst itu te of Te chnol ogy , H arbin15000 1) ( E -m ail meylf u@ hope . hit . edu . cn) Abstract Compared w it h indu strial rob ot s, advanced robot , w hich is list ed in h igh tech nology developm ent program s of m an y developed count ries, presents unique characteris tics on t heory basis, tech niques and ap plicat ion f ields. At t ent ion of - scien tist s all over th e w orld has b een f ocused on advanced robot relat ed res earch th at has becom e one of t he most import ant research topics in aut om at ion . In th is article, af ter an overview of developm en t and trends in advanced robots , t heir design an d ap plicat ions , common technologies and f oundational scien ce prob lem s are discu ssed, an d su ggest ion on advan ced robot d evelopm ent st rat egy f or Ch in a is given. Key wordsA dvanced robot , developm ent st rat egy , aut om at ion , China 1 , . 20 80 , , , . 2002-04-222002-07-2 1 7 1 . ( advanced robot , ) . , , . , . , , . . , , , , . , .


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