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bizarre /b??zɑ?/ CET6 TEM8 Para.19: If something is wrong, it appears bizarrely magnified because of the expectation of the guest. ADJ Something that is bizarre is very odd and strange. 怪异的 例:The game was also notable for the bizarre behaviour of the teams manager. 这场比赛另一值得注意的地方是该队经理人异乎寻常的表现。 2. bizarrelyADV怪异地 例:She dressed bizarrely. 她穿着怪异。 Important Sentences 1. 优秀的酒店能够让人产生这样的心情,然而不怎么样的酒店则总有些愚蠢的地方来破坏这种心情。 A good hotel can allow that state of mind to be generated, whereas a hotel thats not so good can muck it up by some stupid point that spoils it. 2. 在优秀的酒店,酒店人员会想尽办法满足客人的愿望。 In a good hotel, staff will go out of their way to accommodate the wishes of the guests. 3.免费物品(例如伦敦维多利亚假日酒店提供的免费水果和薄荷糖)在酒店成本中最低,却对公共关系十分有益。 Any free items (such as the free fruits and mints provided by London Victoria Holiday Inn) cost a minimal amount to the hotel and yet are very good for public relations. 此外,应该躺在床上就能开关灯。 Plus, it should be possible to switch light(s) on and off from a position of in the bed! 5. 国际度假酒店经营者也许有兴趣知道客人们对当地新闻和事件有着异常浓厚的兴趣,即便不会说当地语言,也会观看当地电视频道。 International resort hoteliers may be intrigued to know that guests have a surprisingly keen interest in local news and affairs and will watch television channels even if they cant actually speak the language! 6. 酒店内的猫和其他有趣的野生动物能提升酒店的酒店品质。 Cats and other interesting resident wildlife add to the quality of a hotel. 7. 酒店是理想化环境,凡事都被要求达到高水准。如果出现错误,因为客人有所期待,往往会被离奇地放大。 A hotel is an idealized environment where everything is supposed to be good. If something is wrong, it appears bizarrely magnified because of the expectation of the guest. Tourism English Unit 7 By Chen Xu Week 5,March, 2013 Outline Part 1. Quick Review Part 2. Text B of Unit 7 Part 3. Addtional Activities Part 1. Quick Review Part 2. Text B of Unit 7 What is the most important thing about a hotel? The most important thing about a hotel is the staff. Its not what they do, but their willingness to do it. What does friendliness mean in a hotel? Its not jus


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