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Electrochemical Energy Storage for TransportationElectrochemical Energy Storage for Transportation anandddd ththththee PPPPowerower GGGGrridididid Yet-Ming Chiang DepartmentDepartment ofof MaterialsMaterials ScienceScience andand EngineeringEngineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Nanodomain strain NanoscaleNanoscale olivineolivine accommodationaccommodation inin cathode LiMnO2 cathode Two huge industries are transforming and a new one is emerging... Battery IndustryIndustry Batteries, Ten Years Ago….. • LiLi-ionion batteriesbatteries hadhad becomebecome thethe preferredpreferred powerpower source for cellphones and laptops • SafetySafety issuesissues inin earlyearlys:s: laptoplaptop batterybattery firesfires inin the news, millions of units recalled • The Toyota Prius hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) had just launched, to much skepticism • Unclear whether lithium ion batteries could ever havehave thethe powerpower, safetysafety, lifetimelifetime, toto bebe usedused inin automotive applications • PerformancePerformance metricsmetrics notnot suitablesuitable forfor automotive:automotive: 100 Wh/kg, 200 W/kg, 300 cycles Batteries, Today….. • Toyota Prius is (was?) best-selling car in U.S., Chevy Volt PHEV and Nissan Leaf BEV ready to launch in 2010 • Multiple Li-ion battery makers scaling up to mass production • Debate has shifted to battery cost and how fast it will decrease • Performance of automotive Li-ion cells: 150 Wh/kg, 3000 W/kg, 1000 cycles, ~10 year projected calendar life, $1000-$1700/kWh at systemsystem levellevel


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