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智 课 网 G M A T 备 考 资 料 察言观色之GMAT风格语调题-智课教育 GMAT阅读风格语调问题问的是关于文章的表达和中心思想的问题 ,这些可能通过文章的措辞(作者选择的词汇)展现出来。你可能被要求 通过对词汇的描述来推断作者对一个想法,事实或状况的态度。接下来 小编就为大家带来察言观色之GMAT风格语调题,希望对大家的GMAT 阅读备考有帮助。 你也可能被要求选择一个能够准确表达文章基调的词汇,如“critic al”“questioning”“objective”或”“enthusiastic”。 为了回答这类问题,必要从整体上考虑文章的语言使用。这需要不 止一个关键词,有时,风格语调题会问这篇文章想要给读者传达什么, 或者是它最有可能出现在什么类型的刊物上。风格语调题可能会出现在 文章的一小部分或是整个文章中。为了回答正确,你必须要问自己文章 的词语除了字面意思还包含了哪些含义。作者使用某一词汇是因为情感 需要或是一些特别的读者想要听到这些。记住 ,这些问题测试你对作者 选择词汇的意义的辨别能力。 例: The Black Death, a severe epidemic that ravaged fourteenth-century Europe, has intrigued scholars ever since Francis Gasquets 1893 study contending that this epidemic greatly intensified the political and religious upheaval that ended the Middle Ages. Thirty-six years later, historian George Coulton agreed but, paradoxically, attributed a silver lining to the Black Death: prosperity engendered by diminished competition for food, shelter, and work led survivors of the epidemic into the Renaissance and subsequent rise of modern Europe. In the 1930s, however, Evgeny Kosminsky and other Marxist historians claimed the epidemic was merely an ancillary factor contributing to a general agrarian crisis stemming primarily from the inevitable decay of European feudalism. In arguing that this decline of feudalism was economically determined, the Marxist asserted that the Black Death was a relatively insignificant factor. This became the prevailing view until after the Second World War, when studies of specific regions and towns revealed astonishing mortality rates ascribed to the epidemic, thus restoring the central role of the Black Death in history….(prep08-RC1-passage3) 9.The authors attitude toward Twiggs work is best characterized as which of the following? A. Dismissive B. Indifferent C. Vindictive D. Cautious E. Ambivalent 题 目问的是下面选项中哪一个最能描述作者对于Twigg的工作的态 度,这要求


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