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Old English Literature
Review Questions
1. Give an account of the history of England from the Celtic settlement to the Norman Conquest.
2. How did Christianity came to England? Name the most important monasteries of this period.
3. Name some representative pieces of the Old English poetry.
4. Name the two most important Christian poets of this period.
5. Analyse the artistic features of Beowulf, using the quoted passage to illustrate your points.
Middle English Literature
I. Fill in the blanks: (30%)
1. The first settlers of the British Isles were ________, and Britain got its name from a branch of this people called ________. But later they were driven to live in ________, ________ and ________.
2. The ________, ________ and ________ were ________ tribes originally living on the Continent. They moved to the British Isles and became the ancestors of the ________ people.
3. The most important event of the Old English Period was ________, which took place in the year ________.
4. The Roman Catholic Church sent ________ to England in 597 ________ the English people to Catholicism.
5. Name two poems of this period apart from Beowulf: ________, and ________.
6. Beowulf is an epic of ________ lines, and it tells the events that took place on ________ before they moved to the British Isles.
7. After the Anglo-Saxon English took in loan words from ________ and ________ and lost most of its ________ and many of its grammar rules, it was called ________.
8. Romance can be divided into three kinds according to subject matter. They are ________, ________ and ________.
9. Romances of the English subject are tales about ________ and his ________.
10. John Wyclif was a translator of ________, William Langland wrote ________ and the most famous English ballads are those about ________.
II. Mark the following statements as true (T) or false (F): (10%)
The two centers of Christian culture in the Old English Period was in Canterbury and Northumbria.
Caedmon belonged to Northumbrian
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