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潍坊高新房产有限公司VI设计 摘 要 运用所学的相关平面专业及排版等知识,对企业进行VI设计与研究。为企业找到更加适合的企业形象,让企业表意更明确、个性更强烈VI设计的核心课题就是“线索性元素”的建立。企业VI的主要线索就是企业标识与辅助图形,品牌VI的主要线索就是前面所说的品牌符号。至于具体的表达方式,条条大道通罗马不同的产业、不同的品牌有不同的路子。有的以概念为线索统合所有的品牌印象,比如伊利四个圈,无论包装、影视、平面还是名字,都有圈圈这个概念的影子,只是不同的媒体,表现方法略有不同罢了! 其实以同一个概念,以尽可能一致的符号贯穿始终,并坚持五年、十年精髓不变,这就是长寿品牌的修炼之道。当然“产品质量”、“管理机制”不可以拖后退!一直在国际上大行其道,只是部分国家、部分企业、部分从业人员尚未意识到视觉在品牌营销中扮演的角色Weifang Gaoxin Real Estate Company Limited VI DESIGN ABSTRACT Using related knowledge and so on plane specialty which and typesetting studies, carries on VI design and the research to the enterprise. Found the more suitable enterprise image for the enterprise, let the enterprise show Italy to be more explicit, the individuality to be more intense。 Must complete the related VI design to understand a next VI significance first. VI designs core topic is “the clue element” establishment. The enterprise VI main clue is enterprise marking and the auxiliary graph, the brand VI main clue is the brand mark which front said. As for the concrete turn of expression, a main road passes the Roman different industry, the different brand to have the different pathway. Some take concept as clue integration all brand impression, for instance Ely four circles, regardless of the packing, the film and television, the plane or the name, have the circle circle this concept shadow, is only the different media, the performance method slightly has differently! Actually by the identical concept, by as far as possible the consistent mark penetration throughout, and insisted that five year, ten year essence is invariable, this is the longevity brand road of practice. Certainly “the product quality”, “the management mechanism” may not tow the backlash! VI design internationally big line of its road, only has been the partial countries, the partial enterprises, the part jobholders not yet realizes the vision the role which acts in the brand marketing. KEY WORDS: Enterprise vision image, design, development, trend 目 录


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