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西南交《大学英语Ⅲ》在线作业一 一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。) 1. His lturs on Romn history woul o rit _____ rl xprt. . in . to . o . with 正确答案: 2. I m thr us I _____ ooks to usinss. . wnt . lik . prrr . h 正确答案: 3. My mr n _____ to tk piturs in louy or sunny onitions. . trt . just . pt . rmi 正确答案: 4. _______ h h gon to slp, thn th tlphon rng on gin. . Hrly . Srly . Just . No soonr 正确答案: 5. I h ______ in my srtry; sh woul o th right thing. . pnn . onin . knowlg . rsponsiility 正确答案: 6. ______ th isuit in strong ox, or it will gt smsh in th livry. . Lit . Split . Swp . Pk 正确答案: 7. lthough th hvy rin stopp, it ws t lst n hour ltr tht th loo gn to ______. . rtir . r . rlin . rtrt 正确答案: 8. Ms. Wright mn tht th urgnt rport ____________ on hr sk y 5 p.m. toy. . shoul put . will put . is put . put 正确答案: 9. “You r vry slish. No ____________ you r not th most importnt prson in th worl.” gr si to his oss ngrily. . suspt . rson . out . us 正确答案: 10. I hvn’t muh ______ his honsty. . liv in . liv or . li in . li or 正确答案: 11. H sk who ws th mn ______ on. . to oprting . oprting . to oprt . ing oprting 正确答案: 12. y no mns ______ stroy or rt nrgy. . w shll . shll w . n’t w . w n 正确答案: 13. “o you know tht girl with th long hir?” “I on’t think so, lthough sh ____________ m o somon ls I know.” . rmmrs . rlls . rmins . suggsts 正确答案: 14. or 1920s, th mrin womn wr ______ th right to vot in lrg xtnt. . priv o . priving o . prsu o . prsuing o 正确答案: 15. Hrmn’s suss is u to his hr work n his ility to ____________ plns, whih will gt work on iintly. . ulill . pprov . mploy . onut 正确答案: 16. I show him th piturs I ______ o th nimls th y or, n tol him th storis. . ws tking . h tkn . hv tkn . ws tkn 正确答案: 17. vi’s story givs us (n) _______ o th inormtion wr. . pk . pil . piso . prl 正确答案: 18. I m _____ go n nothing will stop m. . trmin to . trmining to . trmin to . trmintion to 正确答案: 19. H strss tht th isvntgs o th hng woul _____ its vntgs. . ovrtk . outwigh . ovrom . yon 正确答案: 20. In th


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