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西南交《大学英语Ⅰ》在线作业二 一、单选题(共 40 道试题,共 100 分。) 1. Roots now ____________ workrs in som toris. . hv tkn th room o . hv tkn th st o . hv tkn th pl o . hv tkn th position o 正确答案: 2. – How is li? –( ) . Sm s vr. . Thnks. n you? . I hop ll gos wll with you. . It is ni mting you! 正确答案: 3. Th sni spot is row with tourists ______ ll through th yr. . t tim . t othr tims . t ll tims . t on tim 正确答案: 4. Though quik-tmpr, h is goo mn, ______. . in no wy . in th wy . in this wy . in som wy 正确答案: 5. H hs vry __________ ys; h ths sight o things quikly. . shortsight . rsight . shrp . ig 正确答案: 6. I ouln’t __________ who h ws. . in out . st out . ill out . igur out 正确答案: 7. – Shoul I ook tl in vn? –( ) . Tht’s goo i. . You r so utious. . Why o you lwys wnt to o suh thing? . Oh, orgt it. 正确答案: 8. Sh is rtur o motions, ______ rson. . thn . ut thn . rthr thn . othr thn 正确答案: 9. quit ____________ you shoul wk th y. . in ny s . in s . in s o . in no s 正确答案: 10. W lwys ______ ll sorts o wrning signls out our hlth, lving rgrts in th n. . ovrlook . ovrtook . ovrt . ovrmphsiz 正确答案: 11. ______ th pssg, wht os th uthor rlly wnt to inorm us? . oring to . u to . s to . In light o 正确答案: 12. s ys wnt y, p rinship gn to ______ twn thm. . om . vlop . om . stn 正确答案: 13. – How r you oing? –( ) . You’r wlom. . Just so-so. . I on’t know. . I on’t lik it t ll. 正确答案: 14. It will long tim or w rriv, so ____________ vry hn to rst. . giv . mk . ollow . tk 正确答案: 15. It took hours o stuy or th solution inlly __________ him. . wn on . rli on . tkn on . imprss on 正确答案: 16. His smil ______ to grin, ringing up n xitmnt in th group. . ro . nro . ron . nron 正确答案: 17. ______ ripping o wtr wrs wy ston. . onstny . onstnt . inonstnt . inonstny 正确答案: 18. I h som troul __________ th lttr. His hnwriting is vry . . on ring . ring . to r . r 正确答案: 19. It is goo or you to hv suh goo hn to stuy ro, ut it rmins ____________ whthr you n rlly lrn somthing usul. . to sn . to s . sn . sing 正确答案: 20.


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