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外国语与传播学院英语专业09级学年论文 (12-06-10) 题目: Study on the Source of Anna Kareninas Tragedy 学 生: 谢 咪 学 号: 200911010218 院 (系): 外国语与传播学院 专 业: 英 语 指导教师: 王 武 娟 2012年6月10日 Study on the Source of Anna Kareninas Tragedy 英语092:谢咪 指导教师:王武娟 (陕西科技大学外国语与传播学院 陕西 西安 710021) ABSTRACT: Anna Karenina is viewed as a heroin in the both emotion life and real life under the pen of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoys master piece Anna Karenina by lots of critics and readers till tody, however, her suicide in the end stress tragedy- colored life of Anna Karenina. This thesis is to discuss, from the aspects of the nature of Anna and the outer elements environments, the source of the tragedy to mirror the the real life today . KEY WORDS: Anna Karenina,nature,environment,tragedy 对安娜卡列尼娜悲剧人生的探究 摘要: 安娜卡列尼娜是列夫托尔斯泰笔下的一位为追求个人自由与幸福的英雄。自其同名小说出版以来,一直受到世人的关注和评论。然而,在故事结尾,安娜选择卧轨自杀的一幕渲染并强调了整个故事的悲剧色彩。本文将结合安娜个人因素及外界因素等方面来讨论其悲剧人生的根源,旨在给现世以启示。 关键词:安娜卡列尼娜,个人因素,环境影响,悲剧 Introduction Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. , grammatically the first sentence of Anna Karenina implies the following content includes several unhappy stories happening in several families. And the song of tragedy finds its full expression by last saying of Anna, God, forgive me completely. Holding the sorrow for Annas tragic life like all the others, the thesis is to study the source of Annas destiny buy discussing Anna s nature , her information expect her inner word, the characters who directly and indirectly have relationship with Anna, the background where she lives in and the collision between all the above factors which finally kill the lady named Anna Karenina. 1. The Introduction of Anna Karenina 1.1 The Inner Word of Anna Karenina One of two main protagonists in the novel (the other being Konstantin Levin), Anna is the beautiful, passionate, and educated wife of Alex


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