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机械化英语翻译法 ————钟平老师听课笔记 简介:本方法主要是运用数学的逻辑思维,将长难句进行划分层次,然后运用所总结的公式进行翻译。如果真正掌握后可以让语法近乎白痴的人在以后不会碰到翻译不了的句子,但切记:词汇是一切的根本。 英语之基本规则 主干先行(主、谓、宾),废话后置(定、状) 主干的确定 构成一句话的主要条件是:主语+谓语 1 谓语:a.划出所有动词;b.排除具有下列条件的动词:从句中的、句首状语层次中的动词、前面无助动词(be/have)And+从句(主语+谓语),即为双重并列 And+部分:分两种情况①定状内部成分,不变序②主干并列,不涉及排序,只需要标明 2.找主干; 3.划层次;(熟练后可以目划) 4.汉化翻译。 附:例句练习: 1.These comments, whether accepted,clarified the norms and requirements of the covenant which was already in power in practice and enable the committee to make a significant contribution to the justice promotion in a particular right or issue, while other article has failed to function as has been expected in those meetings which was held with great hope. (1)句子主干:These comments clarified the norms and requirements… (2)译文:这些评论,不论是否被接受,都澄清了已经在实践当中生效的公约的标准 和要求,并且使得委员会对具体权利和事项的正义的促进做出了重大贡献。而其他的条款没有起到那些带着重大的期望所召开的会议当中所期待的作用。 2.Under a system deployed on the white house website for the first time last time,those who want to send a message to President Bush must now navigate as many as nine web pages and fill out a detailed form that starts by asking whether the sender of the message supports the white house policy or differs with it. (1)句子主干:those navigate web pages and fill out a detailed form (2)译文:在上次第一次被使用到白宫网站上的一个体系下,那些想给布什总统发送 消息的人现在必须浏览多达九个网页,并且填写一个详细的询问是否支持白宫政策开头的表格。 3.Great attention may be given to womens health issues in the ninth session,at which the committee devoted general discussion to the right to health and emphasized the principle of non-discrimination and of the concept that there is a minimum core content of each right which constitutes a ‘floor’below which the conditions should not be permitted to fall in any State Party of this Pact. (1)句子主干:Great attention may be given to women’s health issues (2)译文:在第九次会议上,人们强烈关注女性的健康问题。在这次会议上,委员会 对于健康权做出了基本的讨论,并且强调了无歧视原则以及每个权利都有一个构成核心内容 的底线的概念;低于这个底线的情况,不能在公约的成员国家当中发生。 4.This continuum begins on a‘micro’level,


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