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郑大自考毕业设计(论文) ? ? ? ? ? 题目:????脉搏测量仪设计?????????????????????????????? 指导教师:????????????职称:???????????? 学生姓名:????魏娟?????????学号:???????????? ? 专????业:??????电子信息工程技术????????????????????????????? ? 完成时间:?????2014年月日?????????????????????????? ? ? , 循环彩灯灯 Abstract: With the infiltration in the social field of the computer in recent years, the application of the one-chip computer is moving towards deepening constantly, drive tradition is it measure crescent benefit to upgrade day to control at the same time. In measuring in real time and automatically controlled one-chip computer application system, the one-chip computer often uses as a key part, only one-chip computer respect knowledge is not enough, should also follow the structure of the concrete hardware , and direct against and use the software of target’s characteristic to combine concretly, in order to do perfectly. The smallest system one chip computer is in expands at the base of STC89C52RC one chip computer,make it used more convient in the test system. This design mainly expands I/O in the take on chip computer, reset circuit, crystals circuit, the LED display circuitand writes the first floor procedure.Make for scrolling minimum system. Keyword:minimum system, , scrolling 目录 1.绪论 4 2.电路设计方案及功能分析 5 2.1 设计目的 5 2.2 设计要求 5 2.3 系统基本方案选择和论证 5 2.3.1、STC89C52RC介绍 6 2.3.2、时间周期 11 2.3.3、LED灯管 12 2.3.4、发光二级管 12 2.3.5、蜂鸣器 12 2.3.6、锁存器 13 2.4 系统框图 13 3.系统的硬件设计与实现 14 3.1 电源供电模块的实现 14 3.2 复位电路 15 3.3 晶振电路 16 4. 系统的软件设计 19 4.1 软件介绍 19 4.1.1 Keil C51 19 4.1.2 Protel99SE 20 4.1.3 Proteus 21 4.2程序流程图 22 4.3 延时的计算 23 5.系统调试及结果分析 24 6.总结和体会 24 7. 遇到问题 24 8.参考文献 25 9.附录 25 9.1电路原理图: 25 9.2 元件清单 26 9.3程序 27 1.绪论 由于单片机技术在各个领域正得到越来越广泛的应用,世界上许多集成电路生产厂家相继推出了各种类型的单片机,在单片机家族的众多成员中MCS-5系列单片机以其优越的性能、成熟的技术及高可靠性和高性能价格比,迅速占领了工业测控和自动化工程应用的主要市场,成为国内单片机应用领域中的主流。目前,可用于MCS-5系列单片机开发的硬件越来越多,与其配套的各类开发系统、各种软件也日趋完善,因此,可以极方便地利用现有资源,开发出用于不同目的的各类应用系统。 单片机最小系统是在以MCS-5单片机为基础上扩展,使其能更方便地运用于测试系统中,不仅具有控制方便、组态简单和灵活性大等优点,而且可以大幅度提高被测试的技术指标,从而能够大大


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