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雅思经典必背之过去分词 过去分词作表语 由于人口不断增长和私家车数量的剧增,我们的城市变得愈来愈拥挤。 Our city is becoming increasingly crowded due to the expanding population and the sharp rise in the number of private cars. 如果不重视自然资源的保护,它将很快被耗尽。 conservation / protection deplete / exhaust / consume / drain / use up Our natural energy will soon be depleted / exhausted if we pay no attention to the conservation of it. 过去分词作定语 没有严格的纪律,孩子们不太可能成为举止得当和有修养的人。 be unlikely to well-behaved well-cultivated Without strict discipline, children are unlikely to be well-behaved and well-cultivated people. 业余工作挣来的钱将强有力地支持学生们继续他们的求学生活。 The extra money obtained from part-time jobs will strongly support students to continue(不定式作补语)their study. 过去分词 如果在动物园,稀有动物可以享受到更好的居住环境和专业的照料。 Kept in zoos, some rare animals can enjoy better living conditions and professional care and treatment. (条件状语) 据报道,有些学生被送出国外去学习之后,不能适应当地的生活甚至自杀。 adapt to commit suicide Sent to study overseas, some students are reported to fail to adapt to the local life and even commit suicide. (时间状语) 由于受到网络上过多的色情与暴力的影响,有些青少年误入歧途。 go astray Deeply influenced by excessive pornography and violence on the Internet, some teenagers go astray.(原因状语) 过去分词作补语 我们要妥善处理垃圾。 We should have the waste properly disposed of. 电视不仅给我们呈现了逼真的世界,同时使我们了解各个领域的必威体育精装版发展。 Television not only presents a vivid world to us, but also keeps us well-informed of the latest development in all fields. * *


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