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二、铁路物流设施设备 II.Equipments and devices of railway logistics 3. 集装装备 container equipments (2)托盘 trays 托盘是用于集装货品的水平平台装置,在平台上集装一定数量的单件货品,并按要求捆扎加固,组成一个运输单元。 Platform equipments for container goods. To load some one-piece good on the tray and bound and consolidate according to the demands and form a transport unit 第一部分 铁路物流基本认知 The first part: Basic knowledge of Railway logistics. 二、铁路物流设施设备 II.Equipments and devices of railway logistics 4. 装卸搬运设备 handling equippment 装卸搬运设备主要包括叉车、起重机械和输送设备。 forklift truck, cranes, transoprt vehicles (1)叉车forlift truck 叉车是最常用的具有装卸、搬运双重功能的装卸搬运设备。 It has equippments for loading, unloading and carrying ,transporting 1)额定起升重量 rated lifting capacity 6)最大运行速度 maximum travel speed 2)载荷中心距 load center distance 7)满载最大爬坡maximum gradability(load) 3)最大起升高度 maximum lifting height 8)最小外侧转弯半径 minimum outside steering radius 4)门架倾角 mast tilt angle 9)最小离地间隙 minimum ground clearance 5)最大起升速度maximum lifting speed 叉车主要参数表 parametres for forklift truck 第一部分 铁路物流基本认知 The first part: Basic knowledge of Railway logistics. 二、铁路物流设施设备 II.Equipments and devices of railway logistics 4. 装卸搬运设备 equippment for loading and unloading (2)正面吊 reach stacker 是用来装卸集装箱的一种吊车,正面吊的吊具大小可以根据箱的大小进行调节。 It is a crane to handle the container. The size of the load lifting device is ajustable to fit with the size of the container 第一部分 铁路物流基本认知 The first part: Basic knowledge of Railway logistics. 1)额定起重量 rated hoisting weight 4)额定工作速度 rated working speed 2)起升高度 hoisting height 5)起重机和机构的工作级别 hoisting machine and the institutions’ working levels 3)跨度和幅度 span and ranges 二、铁路物流设施设备 II.Equipments and devices of railway logistics 4. 装卸搬运设备 loading and unloading equipments (3)门式起重机 portal crane 起重机械参数 parameters of the hoisting machinery 第一部分 铁路物流基本认知 The first part: Basic knowledge of Railway logistics. 二、铁路物流设施设备 II.Equipments and devices of railway logistics 4. 装卸搬运设备 loading and unloading and transporting facilities (3)门式起重机 gantry crane 门式起重机包括 轨道式门式起重机和轮胎式门式起重机。 It in


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