L1 what is translation.ppt

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L1 what is translation

“归化”(domestication)。前者主张译文应以目的语或译文文化为归宿(Source language culture oriented translation, or SL culture-oriented translation)后者则译文应以目的语或译文文化为归宿(Target language culture oriented translation, or TL culture-oriented translation)。 试比较: 谋事在人,成事在天。 Man proposes, Heaven disposes (杨宪益译) Man proposes, God disposes (霍克斯译) 这是杨宪益先生和霍克斯对《红楼梦》中一句话的翻译。杨宪益先生利用了一个英语的谚语,但把其中的“God”改成了“Heaven”,从而保留了原有的宗教色彩。英国汉学家霍克斯(David Horkes)却直接引用了英语谚语,未作任何改动,他把原文的佛教色彩变成了基督教色彩。这对英美读者来说当然更为自然,更容易接受。 又如:俗语说得好:“杀人不过头点地。” Remember the proverb “A murder can only lose his head ”(杨宪益译) “You know what the proverb says: He who checks a moment’s rage Shall calm and carefree end his days”(霍克斯译) 两种译文中均用英语谚语替代了汉语谚语,但两个谚语意思完全不一样,霍克斯只是选用了适合于上下文意思的连贯的英语谚语,而不顾原有汉语谚语的意思。而杨宪益先生保留了原语文化的特征,使译文读者了解中国文化之一斑。 I gave my youth to the sea and I came home and gave my wife my old age. 直:我把青春献给海洋,我回家的时候便把老年给了我的妻子。 意:我把青春献给海洋,等我回到家里见到妻子的时候,已经是白发苍苍。 归化 domestication/adaptation 归化的翻译在理论上是把语言看作交际工具;在实践上,强调通俗易懂,避免多义或歧义。习惯认为,当原文与译文之间因文化差异而出现不能通达的情况时,“要用译语文化替代原语文化”即把在译语中找不到对等的外语词汇改头换面,或套用译语中与之相似的现成的表达法,把它们变成读者熟悉的译语文化形象。 Functional Equivalence 功能对等 归化派代表人物尤金?奈达(Eugene A. Nida): What is functional equivalence? “The receptors of the translated text could respond to it with comprehension and appreciation in essentially the same manner and to the same degree as the original receptors of the message”; “Translation should arouse the same feeling in its receptors as the feeling of the readers of the original”---- Nida examples as white as snow 通常译为白如雪 / 但没有见过雪的人可以将其翻译为“白如白鹭毛”,以达到功能对等的目的。 Spring up like mushrooms 雨后春笋 Everybodys business is nobodys business. 三个和尚无水喝 Among the blind the one -eyed man is king. 山中无老虎,猴子称霸王 Six of one and half a dozen of the other 隔墙有耳 Walls have ears. 难言之隐 secret sorrow 河东狮吼 under petticoat(裙子,衬裙) government 老滑头 a soft soap 鱼米之乡 a land of milk and honey 梦郎/梦姑 Mr./Mrs. Right; Prince Charming rob Peter to pay Paul 拆东墙补西墙 既然你已经错过良机了,振作起来吧.天涯何处无芳草呢.将来有的是机会. Miss the bus 你这是放马后炮.岁月不饶人啊! There is plenty of fi


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