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比较句式翻译 Any programmer will tell you that a computer is not better than the information put into it . No more than 仅仅,只是 任何一位程序员都会告诉你,计算机的本领只有输入的信息那么大罢了。 The Miami of the 1980’s is, in some people’s view, more Caribbean than North American. More A than B 在一些人眼中,20世纪80年代的迈阿密所表现的,与其说是北美情调,还不如说是加勒比情调。 一、各种比较格式的替换 英语中表示比较时有三种格式: 1、原级 as important as 2、比较级 more (less) important than…. 3、最高级 the most (least) important (of)…… 1、原级与比较级的替换使用 1)Never have I heard American music played better in a foreign land 我在国外从来没有听到过把美国音乐演奏得这样好的(比较级替换为原级) 2)But rockets, complex machinery and less fantastic weapons are virtually defenseless, as lasers can bore, with remorseless effect, through almost all known materials 但是,火箭、复杂的机械以及不那么尖端的武器,碰上激光都将无以自卫,因为激光能够毫不留情地穿透几乎所有已知的材料。(比较级替换为原级) 2、原级和比较级与最高级的替换 1)The beavers do it by gnawing all round the trunk, as high up from the ground as they can reach. 河狸伐木的方法是围着树干沿着它们所够得着的最高部位不停地啃(原级替换为最高级) 2)Of the various Europeans who came to lend the British colonies a hand in their struggle for independence, no one is as well remembered as the marquis de Lafayette. 在所有帮助过英国殖民地人民争取独立斗争欧洲人中,最令人怀念地莫过于德。拉耶特侯爵(原级替换为最高级) 3)Nothing is more important than the signal sent to Moscow by the President’s action. 总统的行动给莫斯科送去的信号才是最重要的。(比较级替换为最高级) 4)Even though the united States produces more automobiles than any other country, it still imports large numbers of auto from Germany, Japan and Sweden, primarily because there is a market for them in the United States. 尽管美国的汽车产量居世界首位,但它仍从德国、日本和瑞典进口大量汽车,这主要是因为美国市场上有这种需求。(比较级替换为最高级) 等比句式 as….as不仅指单纯的比较,还可表示“既….又….”“同….一样”的意思。例如: This method of measurement is as simple as practical 这种测量方法既实用又简单 He is as kind as his sister is honest 他妹妹诚实,而他善良 He is as great a statesman as ever lived. 他可以与历史上任何伟大的政治家媲美 “非常”, “之极” 4)You are as wrong as wrong can be 你大错特错了(你错得不能再错了) 5) She is as thirsty as thirsty can be 她渴极了(她渴得不能再渴了) 2、no more than….和no more…..than…. Th


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