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译文1. Located in Lujiazui Financial Centre in Pudong, Shanghai Silver Boat Mansion borders on the east Yuanshen Road, one of the city’s main thoroughfares, and on the west Shuangzi Square, one of the city’s leading green zones. //The 100 meter-high, 28-storeyed tower covers a site area of 5,037 sq.meters and a gross floor area of 37,700 sq.meters , priding itself a deluxe commercial office building. 上海银舟大厦位于上海浦东陆家嘴金贸区,东临主干线源深路,西濒该地区的集中绿地双子广场,占地5037平方米,楼面面积37700平方米,高100米,28层,为商贸结合的高级办公楼。 译文2:Shanghai Silver Boat Mansion is a deluxe commercial office building. Located in Lujiazui Financial Centre in Pudong, it borders on the east Yuanshen Road, one of the city’s main thoroughfares, and on the west Shuangzi Square, one of the city’s leading green zones. The 100 meter-high, 28-storeyed tower covers a site area of 5,037 sq.meters and a gross floor area of 37,700 sq.meters. practice: 屹立于迪庆西北,终年雪冠冰氅、云缠雾罩的梅里 雪山主峰卡瓦格博,海拔6740米,是迪庆的最高点, 也是云南第一峰。(Kavagebo) 在切分的基础上使用形合法 使用形合法,将汉语流水长句转换成英语复合长句。 屹立于迪庆西北,终年雪冠冰氅、云缠雾罩的梅里 雪山主峰卡瓦格博,海拔6740米,是迪庆的最高点, 也是云南第一峰。(Kavagebo) ①屹立于迪庆西北,②终年雪冠冰氅、云缠雾罩的③梅里雪山主峰卡瓦格博,④海拔6740米,⑤是迪庆的最高点,⑥也是云南第一峰。 ①②③④⑤⑥ ① standing in the northwest of Diqing, ② snow-capped, clouds-shrouded and mist-wreathed all year long, capped with snow and ice and enveloped in clouds and mist all year around, ③the dominant peak of Meili Snow Mt. Range ④standing aloft 6740 meters above the sea level with an elevation (altitude) of 6740 meters above the sea level ⑤⑥ (being) the highest peak in Diqing and in Yunnan Province as well 切分的基础上使用形合法: ①屹立于迪庆西北,②终年雪冠冰氅、云缠雾罩的③梅里雪山主峰卡瓦格博,④海拔6740米,⑤是迪庆的最高点,⑥也是云南第一峰。 Standing in the northwest of Diqing, Kavagebo, the dominant peak of Meili Mountain Range, is covered with snow and ice and enveloped in mist and clouds all year long. Rising 6740 meters above the sea level (With an elevation of 6740 meters), it is the highest peak in Diqing and in Yunnan as well. ①③②// ④⑤⑥(切分法,清晰、流畅) 参考译文: 屹立于迪庆西北,终年雪冠冰氅、云缠雾罩的梅里雪山主峰卡瓦格博,海拔6740米,是迪庆的最高点


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