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抽象译法 (一)单词、词组或成语英译汉时抽象译法的译例: 1) make fish of one and flesh of another 厚此薄彼 2) lick sb’s boots 巴结 3) stick to one’s last 安分守己 4) keep sth under one’s hat 必威体育官网网址 5) eat one’s heart out 极度悲痛 6) be in sb’s pocket 被某人操纵 7) be in irons 被监禁 8) wear one’s heart on one’s sleeve表露感情 9) put one’s cards on the table 表明观点 10) eat like a bird 吃得极少 11) catch forty winks 打盹儿 12) break the ice 打破僵局 13) jump out of one’s skin 大吃一惊 14) get cold feet 胆怯 15) be driven from pillar to post 被逼得走投无路 16) walk on air 得意洋洋 17) get the green light 得到许可 18) mend one’s fences 改善关系 19) poke one’s nose into sth 干涉 20) turn thumbs down on sth 反对 (二)单词、词组或成语汉译英时抽象译法的译例: 21) 谦虚态度 modesty 22) 发展过程 development 23) 稳定性 stability 24) 灵敏度 sensibility 25) 无知的表现 innocence 26) 残暴行为 brutality 27) 同化作用 assimilation 28) 避孕措施 contraception 29) 防暴措施 anti-violence 30) 同情心理 sympathy 31) 鸡毛蒜皮 trifling 32) 开门见山 come straight to the point 33) 狗急跳墙 do sth desperate 34) 顺手牵羊 walk off with sth 35) 守株待兔 trust to chance and stroke of luck 36) 铜墙铁壁 an impregnable fortress 37) 唇枪舌剑 engage in a battle of words 38) 黔驴技穷 at one’s wit’s end 39) 单枪匹马 all by oneself 40) 生龙活虎 bursting with energy (三)句子英译汉时抽象译法的译例: 41) I was practically on my knees but he still refused. 我几乎是苦苦哀求,但他依然拒绝。 42) The two sisters were usually in agreement on most issues, but they were at swords’ points on the matter of abortion. 在很多问题上姐妹俩的意见通常是一致的,但在人工流产问题上,她们是有激烈的争执的。 43) He is a rolling stone. I don’t think he can go far. 他是个见异思迁的人,我想他不会有多大出息。 44) Since I only got the news at second hand, I took it with a grain of salt. 这个消息我只是间接听来的,所以并不完全相信。 45) I must bare my heart to someone, or I shall go mad! 我一定要向人讲真心话,否则我会发疯的! 46) I’ll break my neck to get this done by Friday, but I can’t promise for sure. 我一定要尽最大的努力在星期五以前完成此事,但我不能说定。 47) By this means she cast in a bone between the wife and the husband


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