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人教版 Go For It 初三英语总复习Music专题之阅读答问专讲芦淞区教研室陈柳Step 1. Lead in (3 min)1. Self introduction.2. Greetings: What’s your name? How are you today? Do you like music?Tell students Music is the topic will review during this lesson.Step 2. Presentation (15 min)1. (出示并播放课件)T: Just now, I asked you some questions.During this lesson, you will meet a lot of questions. First, I have a quiz which includes fivequestions (ppt.). If you know the answer, you can stand up quickly and tell us.(1) What kind of music do you like?(2)Who is yourfavorite musician?(3)What instrument can you play?(4)How do you like the song PPAP?(播放音频PPAP.)(5) What are we going to do next? Ask students to write their answers on the blackboard. Ask students to attention to each question. Tell them they are all special questions. Then focus on the answers on the blackboard. Tell them when we write answers, we’d better keep them tidy, simple, correct.2. T: Next, we are going to sing a song. All the teachers and students, let’s sing the song together! (播放音频Que Sera Sera)3. Then, ask five questions about the song (播放课件,展现图片和口诀).(1)Who did the girl ask when she was little?(Her mother.)Payattention to “mother”, tell students: 细节找仔细。(2)What did the word “rainbows” mean when the girl asked her sweetheart?(A rosy/beautiful life.)Pay attention to “rainbows”, tell students: 推断靠逻辑。(3)What did her children asked when she became a mother?(They asked, “What will I be?Will I be handsome?Will I be rich?”)Pay attention to “they” and “asked”, tell students: 人称时态准。(4)Whatdoes the name of the song mean? (Whatever will be, will be=Anything that will happen will happen./The future’s not ours to see.=We cannot tell what is going to happen in the future.)Tell students: 概括看大意。(5)How do you like the song? How do you like my lesson?Read the poem together: 细节找仔细, 推断靠逻辑;人称时态准,概括看大意。Step 3. Practice (15 min)1. Ask students to open their books, Page 70. Divide students into some groups.2. Tell them to read the passage “Sad but Beautiful” in


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