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name 萨克斯又称萨氏管,是以发明者的名字命名的木管乐器,音色介于木管乐器和铜管乐器之间。 Also known as the Sarbanes-Oxley saxophone is named after the inventor of the wooden wind instruments, wind instruments and sounds ranging from wood and brass instruments. 萨克斯由比利时人阿道夫·萨克斯在1840年根据波姆式长笛的原理发明。 A saxophone by the Belgians in 1840 Fusakeshi Road Baum - flute under the principle invented. 萨克斯采用高音谱号 ,有#B、#E 调之分。 Spectra of the cars used saxophone, # B, # E-distinction. 世界第一支萨克斯是上低音E调管,当时受到了很多音乐家的认可。 The worlds first bass saxophone is the E-tube, when many musicians were recognized. 人们便以阿道夫·萨克斯的姓来给它命名——“萨克斯”。 People have to Fusakeshi A Road to the name to its name - saxophone. form 萨克斯由金属制抛物线性圆锥管体,与单簧管类似的哨头,波姆体系音键系统,除降B调高音萨克管外,都弯成烟斗形。 Sacks by the parabola of the conical metal tube, a similar post with the first clarinet, the sound system Colonel bond system, in addition to increases in B, the sound of Saskatchewan, pipe-shaped stadium. form 萨克斯是一种非常有表现力的乐器,他可以容易的控制音量的大小,完全能够发出大提琴,单簧管那样极其美妙的音响,并有着足以同管弦乐队中任何乐器相匹敌的巨大力量。 A saxophone is a very expressive instrument, he could easily control the volume size, fully capable of a cello, clarinet, as very beautiful sound, and has enough instruments with the orchestra in any match the tremendous force. 总的说来,它的柔和优美的音色,具有弦乐器的歌唱风格。 Overall, it sounds beautiful soft, Bowed Instruments Shown with the singing style kind 1846年阿道夫本人在法国 巴黎开办了一个乐器厂,专门生产萨克斯。 A Astoria in 1846 in Paris, France, I started a thriving, specializing in the production of a saxophone. 他曾先后生产过十四种型号的萨克斯,包括高音、小高音、中音、次中音、低音、倍低音等形状各异的乐器。 He has produced 14 types of saxophone, including cars, small cars, tenor, the tenor, bass, bass and times of various shapes and musical instruments. 它既有铜管乐的嘹亮,又有木管乐的柔和,所以当时就有很多音乐界人士喜欢这种乐器。 It has the resonant brass, woodwind musicians have the soft, so that there are many people like this music instruments. 一些音乐团体,也尝试着启用这种乐器。 Some music groups also try to open the instrument. 1853年法国的军队开始引进萨克斯,随后欧洲的很多国家逐渐启用了萨克斯。 In 1853 the French army introduced a saxophone, and then


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