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Teach Plan Unit 10 My City Starting Line Grade Four 教学目标: 1. 在老师设计的城市景点环境里,能够听懂,会说六个六个动词词组和想要做某事的交际用语。Watch a soccer match, see dinosaurs, visit the library, fly a kite, buy a skateboard, see an art show 2. 学会和使用本节课的重点句型:What are you going to do this weekend? I’m going to ... what do you want to do there? I want to ...表达想要做某事的交际用语。 3. 能够在调查活动中询问并回答别人想要去什么地方、想要做什么事情。 4. 能够依照范例写几句话,做到标点符号使用正确,书写格式规范。 教学重点: 1. 6个动词短语:Watch a soccer match, see dinosaurs, visit the library, fly a kite, buy a skateboard, see an art show以及这6个动词短语的拼写形式。 本课的功能句型: I’m going to …with… I want to... He/She wants... 教学难点 1. 几个较长单词的读音以及拼写的准确率。dinosaurs, skateboard, match,watch 2. 句型:…is going to…(with…). He/She wants to … 教学用具:图片(6个地方单词和6个动词短语),单词卡片,多媒体课件 教学步骤: 热身复习,创设英语学习的良好氛围。利用在四年级下册学过的地方单词卡片复习已经认识的地名单词:drugstore, bookstore, park, restaurant, newspaper stand, cinema, zoo,museum, university, department store, gallery, square, stadium... T: So many places, I going to the museum with my baby this weekend. I want see dinosaurs. Chant: museum,museum, I’m going to the museum. gallery, gallery, I’m going to the gallery. stadium,stadium,I’m going to the stadium. square, square, I’m going to the square. university, university, I’m going to the university. (设计意图:热身复习,创设学习英语的良好氛围。歌谣有一定的韵律和节奏,孩子喜欢听,说起来也容易上口,孩子能很快地记住歌谣。时间:2分钟。) 导入:what are you going to do this weekend? 二、新内容展示,整体呈现,把短语放在句子里面教学。 T: I going to the museum with my grandparents this weekend. I want see dinosaurs.(结合图片让学生理解see dinosaurs的意思。) what are you going to do this weekend? 引导学生回答:I’m going to the stadium. T: What do you want to do there?引导学生回答I want to watch a soccer match(结合图片让学生理解watch a soccer match的意思。) T: 用不同的呈现方式引出本课所要学的动词短语和功能句型。 (设计意图:创设有关城市的情景,让学生知道周末计划用英语怎样表达,并简单说说自己的计划。用8分钟时间完成新单词和新句型的呈现,同时学生在句子中学习和使用英语单词。时间:8分钟) 三、单词和句型练习。 活动1. Chant: museum,museum, I’m going to the museum. see dinosaurs, see dinosaurs, I want to see dinosaurs. 先带领学生打节奏练习,再给一些资料让学生模仿自编歌谣。 stadium—watch a socce


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