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油气开采与钻探 Exploring and Drilling for Oil and Gas 什么是石油,什么是天然气? 石油和天然气是储存在地层中的物质 它们是从分解的动植物残骸演变而来 科学家们认为石油是这样形成的: 很久很久以前死亡的动植物被厚厚的沉积物缓慢掩埋。经过很长的时间,在一定的压力和温度下,这些有机物转变成立今天人们发现的石油。 (例如:我们现在知道堆积的垃圾可以产生沼气) What are Oil and Gas? Oil and Gas are substances found within the earth’s crust. They are thought to come from decomposed plant and animal matter. Scientists believe the plants and animals died long ago, and were slowly buried by thick layers of sediments. Over a long period of time, and with pressure and temperature, the organic materials were converted into the oil and gas which are found today. (For example, we know that present day garbage dumps give off methane gas) 关于油气我们还需要知道些什么? 自然状态下的石油有的粘稠,有的稀薄。颜色有黑的,也有浅颜色的。 很多其他材料也来自于石油产品: 塑料 织布的材料 (例如: 聚酯纤维) 日用化学品 各种油漆 What else do we know about oil and gas? Oil in it’s natural state can be thick or thin, black or light colored. When oil is refined, many products can be obtained: Energy for power Gasoline for cars Diesel fuel for trucks and trains Hi-octane fuels for planes Heating oil for houses Many other materials also come from petroleum: Plastics Materials for clothes (example: polyester fabrics) Chemicals for everyday use Paints 哪里可以找到石油和天然气? Where can we find Oil and Gas? 那么我们如何找到有油的岩层呢? 油气是在地层中天然的圈闭构造中发现的。 这些油气圈闭构造由穹顶或断层组成。非渗透性的岩石覆盖在构造顶部防止油气逃逸到地表。非渗透性的岩石是指流体不能穿越的岩石。 没有这样的油气圈闭构造,油气就会向地表移动,最终挥发掉。 So, how do we find oil-bearing rocks? Oil and gas are found in natural traps within the earth. These traps consist of domes or faults. Impermeable rock above the trap prevents the oil and gas from migrating up to surface. An “impermeable” rock is one that fluid cannot pass through. without traps, the oil and gas could migrate all the way to the surface and evaporate. 我们如何找到这些油藏呢? 地球物理学家通过油藏反射的声波找到它们,计录声波反射回来的时间 计算机处理这些数据,构造出地下岩层系统的图像 How do we find the oil reservoirs? Geophysicists find reservoirs by bouncing sound waves off them, and timing how long it takes for the sound to come back Comput


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