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How do you like this one?----EEC小学英语五年级上册 教学设计 【教材分析】 1、教材的地位及作用 ??? 我设计的课是小学英语EEC教材五年级上册第六课.本节课是围绕着衣服的款式颜色这个题材展开多种教学活动的一节课。本节课的重点句型是:How do you like this one? I don` t like it.??? I want a shirt with long sleeves.通过对新句型的学习,进一步提高学生听、说、读、交际等综合素质能力。 2、教学目标: 知识目标:句型How do you like this one? ?????????????? I don` t like it. ?????????????? I want a shirt with long sleeves. ?????????? 单词:button?? sleeve?? size ?????????? What color do you want ?I want… 能力目标:培养学生语言的综合运用能力 情感目标:激发学生学习英语的兴趣,锻炼学生会学习爱学习 【教学重难点】 衣服样式以及衣服颜色的表达 【教学方法】 通过游戏教学法、角色表演法、创设情境法等??精讲巧练,由浅入深,由易到难,由已知到未知,循序渐进地深化教学内容。展开以教师为主导,以学生为主体的师生双边活动。 【教学策略】 本课我是通过提高学生的兴趣度、掌握度、参与度、合作度以及生活度来促进本课的目标达成的,使学生在课堂中能够学会学习,积极的参与,有效的互动,充分的展示。在教学过程中注意抓住两个要点:1、以比赛去商店为主线,激发学生学习的兴趣,吸引学生学习的注意力。2、以真实的实物来替代图片,与学生的实际生活相联系。 【教具】 录音机、磁带、卡片、书以及衣服实物 【教学过程】 1、 Greeting T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello Cherry. 2、 Lead in T: Father` s birthday is coming, so Billy is going to the shop (point to the picture), let` s have a look, what` s in the shop? (sweater, shirt, jacket) T: Let` s listen to the tape , and answer “ what does Billy want to buy?” Ss: …… 3、 New lesson 听录音,随着录音中提出的问题,来学习新单词,通过实物让学生了解新词的意思。 T:I have a shirt with long sleeves.(show the clothes) ①?? Read after me, spell it and follow the tape ②?? Learn the new word: sleeve ?练习:three-two T: sleeve? sleeve Ss: sleeve ?????? (clap)the word T: clap the word Ss: sleeve sleeve(clap their hands) T: snap the word Ss :sleeve sleeve (snap their fingers ) T: write the word Ss: sleeve? (write the word) ③?? (Long\ short ) lead in : a shirt with short sleeves T shows another clothes to learn the new word:button ①?? Read after me, spell it and follow the tape ②?? Learn the new word: sleeve ?练习:follow me/(clap)the word ③?? (with\ without )? lead in : a shirt with/without buttons 4.Action1: guess T: She is in a red sweater without buttons. Let all the students guess “who is she?” Like me ,write down the sentences . Action2: shopping ?? According to teacher` s card, all the students say “ I w


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