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稳固舒适型敷料特别适合CVC/PICC管路维护 * 目前,PICC临床应用已较为普遍,PICC导管价高,患者对导管的应用期望也很高,护士对导管的每次维护,患者都非常关注。许多患者很快会发现对于导管的维护,护士间存在着很大的差异性。差异的存在难以在根本上提高护理品质,同时,也存在增加护患纠纷的风险。 怎样规范PICC导管维护的质量?建立SOP,选择正确的护理套件,可以显著提高护士依从性,是护理操作规范有序 * 以前做导管维护,需护士自己准备用物,难免有遗漏及浪费现象,而且,存在很大的差异性 中心静脉置管护理套件,则将换药所需物品按操作顺序有序打包,同时,提供了导管敷料更换流程,便于护士参照执行 * 中心静脉置管护理套件内物品,完全参照国际标准。清洁、消毒剂为独立一次性使用包装,1%有效碘碘伏的浓度符合国际标准,确保消毒效果;无菌免缝胶带 3根/片,满足了敷料下导管固定的需要,免缝胶带内含的抗张力束保证了导管的稳妥固定要求。套件内的两片酒精棉片及无菌小方纱,便于临床对接头的护理。 * 内附的PICC导管更换敷料程序不但方便护士操作,同时,也为科室完善PICC照护SOP提供参考 * 下面详细解释中心静脉置管护理套件用于PICC导管维护的流程 查对,解释 洗手,戴口罩 戴清洁手套,去除旧敷料 * 酒精清洁皮肤及导管,注意不可用力过猛,以免破坏导管及皮肤的完整性 1%碘伏消毒 至少两遍,充分待干 * * The epidermis is the uppermost layer of skin and itself is composed of distinct layers. Its thickness varies from approximately .05mm to 1mm, being thicker over areas that are exposed to greater friction and pressure such as the palms and plantar surface of the feet. Its surface has a resident set of bacteria which include some species of staphylococcus and cornyebacterium. Candida is not considered a normal species of skin flora. The pH of the epidermis is in the acidic range somewhere between 4.5 and 6.0 and is considered to serve a protective function. This is referred to as the acid mantle. In the healthy adult epidermis completely regenerates every 28 days. This is a normal protective process which helps to shed old cells. The dermis underlies the epidermis and provides structural support for the skin. It is thicker than the epidermis but still a relatively thin layer of tissue.It is composed of tissue called collagen which is a tough protein material. Collagen is broken down and formed on an ongoing basis. Cells called fibroblasts form collagen in response to inflammation or wounding. The dermal layer is richly supplied with blood vessels and nerves. Hair follicles extend from the epidermis into the underlying fat. Hair follicles contain sebaceous glands which secrete a lipid onto the surface of the skin. These surface lipids are thought to lu