电梯翻译参数 修改版.doc

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电梯翻译参数 修改版

美福电梯的图纸要求 1,代码:Code 说明:Description 轿厢净宽:Car width 轿厢净深:Car depth 轿厢高度:Car height 开门净宽:Door open width 开门净高:Door open height 门洞净宽:Door hole width 门洞净高:Door hole height 井道净宽:Shaft width 井道净高:Shaft depth 顶层净高:Top floor height 底坑净深:Pit depth 提升高度:Rising height 机房净宽:Machine room width 机房净深:Machine room depth 机房净高:Machine room height 轿厢轨距:Car gauge 对重轨距:CW gauge 主副轨距:Rail gauge 主轨前距:Main rail distance 额定载荷:Rated capacity 额定速度:Rated speed 最大停站数:Max stops 最大提升高度:Max rising height 最小底坑深度:Min pit depth 最小顶层高度:Main top floor height 电机功率:Motor capacity 电源容量:Power capacity 动力电源:Power supply 照明电源:Light power supply 支撑点受力:Supporting stress 非标说明:Note 轿厢尺寸:Car size 开门形式尺寸:Door Size 井道立面图:Shaft Vertical View 底坑受力分布图:Pit stress distribution 顶层吊钩位置图:the top hook locations 门洞留孔图:Door Hole 提升高度:travelling height (TH) 牛腿 :haunched beam 吊钩:hook; 在吊钩处标明:marked on the hook 导轨支架每档间隔:ring beam each distance 层高:floor height 砼过梁:concrete beam 客户自理:by customer 门高:door height 弹性圆柱销:elastic cylindrical pin 顶层高:overhead height (OH) 控制柜安装孔(仅在顶层处预留,安装后填补): controller hole reservation(only top floor reserved fill after installation) 机房地面:machine floor 召唤箱孔:calling box 井道壁:shaft wall 缓冲器墩:buffer basement 爬梯:stairs 3.门洞净尺寸:net door hole height 4.井道右侧立视图: solid view of right side shaft 5.导轨支架连接点(圈梁等)间距每档:the spacing of rail bracket connection point (ring beam,etc)/each file 6.井道照明间距每盏:shaft lighting spacing / each lamp 7.机房平面布置图:machine room plan 8.排风扇:exhaust fan 9.通风、采光窗:ventilation、lighting window 10.吊钩投影:hook projection 11.井道平面布置图:shaft plan 12.A/C向留孔:A direction hole reserved drawing 13.D视图:D view 14.装修后楼面:decorated floor 15.安装完成后二次填充:after installing the second fill 16.E向门洞留孔图:E direction/door hole reserved drawing 17.底坑平面布置图:pit view 请按实际数据填写pls fill in actual data TR TH 5层 5F 4层 4F 3层 3F 2层 2F 1层 1F -1层 -1F -2层 -2F PD 层站 高度(mm)floor hei


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