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二、各种词语的修辞作用 (一)古词语(Archaic) “On my life,” said Quentin, “You are under some delusion——I know nothing of Saint Paul.” “Nay, we question you not,” said the burgher: “although hark ye——I say, hark in your ear——my name is Pavilion. “And what is my business with that, Seignior Pavilion?” said Quentin. “Nay, nothing——only methinks might satisfy you that I am trustworthy.” (“说句天地良心的话,”奎廷说,“你是有些误会——我根本不熟悉圣.保罗。” “不,我们没有询问你,” 那个市民说:“你听着,喂,你用耳朵听着——我的名字是巴维伦”。 “可是那与我有什么相干?巴维伦先生。” 奎廷说。 “不,不相干——只是我想它应该可以使你满足了,我是可以信赖的。”) “Prithee, do me so much favour, as to inquire after my astrologer, Martinus Galeotti, and send him hither to presently.” “I will, without fail, my liege,” answered the jester,” and I wot well I shall find him at Dopplethur’s.” (“请你给我帮个忙,问候一下我的占星家马替勒斯.加里奥梯,同时叫他马上到我这儿来。” “皇上,一定做到,”小丑回答道,“我知道我在多波舍家一定能找到他。”) I do verily believe I could count on the exceptions on the fingers of my two hands. (我确实相信,我可以掐着两只手的指头算出这些例外。 Departing from us, Comrade Lenin enjoined us to guard and strengthen the dictatorship of the proletariat. We vow to you, Comrade Lenin, that we shall spare no effort to fulfill this behest, too, with honor! (列宁同志和我们永别时嘱咐我们要保卫并巩固无产阶级专政。列宁同志,我们谨向您宣誓:我们也一定不遗余力来光荣地执行您的这个遗嘱!) (二)书面文学词语(Literary words) This is the part of the edifice of society that society chooses to ignore. Society opened its portals to me. I had been in the cellar of society, and I did not like the place as a habitation. Then we’ll cleanse the cellar and build a new habitation for mankind… (这是社会大厦的一部分,它是社会愿意忽视的那一部分。 社会向我打开着它的大门。  我曾经在社会的底层呆过,我不喜欢那个地方作为住所。 因此我们要把这个底层打扫得干干净净,为人类建设一个新的住所……) Edifice(大厦),portal(洞门),habitation(住所)都是书面文学词语,作者通过这些词造成一种严肃、隆重的气氛。 (三)外来词(Foreign words) “Why dont you like those cousins, Father?” Soames lifted the corner of his lip. “What made you think of that?” “Cela se voit.” “‘That sees itself!’ what a way of putting it!” (“您为什么不喜欢那些表兄弟? 父亲。” 索姆斯翘起他的嘴角。 “什么事使你想起这个来啦?” “ 事情本身明摆着。” (“事情本身明摆着!讲得多好呵!”) (四)口语词(Colloquial


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