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高中英语 易错题、 难题、好题 汇编二 1、Listen! His family must be quarrelling, ____? A、mustn’t it B、isn’t it C、aren’t they D、needn’t they 2、The police have ____ power to deal with such matters by ____ law. A、the; the B、不填;不填 C、不填;the D、the;不填 3、Jack felt unhappy as they all went outing ____ him. A、except B、but C、without D、besides 1、C 本题主要考查反意疑问句的表达方式。根据listen可知,must be quarrelling表示推测,此时反意疑问句中的动词须依主语而定,由于his family是指他家里的人,故be用复数形式。 2、D 本题主要考查冠词的用法。句子第一空后面的不定式做定语对power进行修饰,特指某种权力,用定冠词the;而第二空后面的law泛指“法律”这一概念,不用冠词。 3、C 本题主要考查介词的用法区别。根据句子中的felt unhappy可知,句子中表示一种心理状态,于是,正确答案为C 4、That she hadn’t kept her ____ on her work resulted in the failure. A、head B、heart C、brain D、mind 5、——Did your sister pass the exam? ——She failed and is in low spirits. ——I’m sorry for her. ——____. A、Thank you B、You’re welcome C、I would think so D、Never mind 6、The students spent as much time getting trained as they ____ studying. A、disliked B、were C、had D、did 4、D 本题主要考查名词的意义区别。根据后面的resulted in failure可知,她没有专心于工作,而keep one’s mind on意思为“专心于”,于是正确答案为D。 5、A 本题主要考查英语交际用语的应用。根据对方的话“I’m sorry for her”表示对她的关心,于是回答应该用“谢谢”,因此正确答案为A。 6、D 本题考查学生分析句子的能力。只要学生看出as…as前后句式平衡,也就是:The students spent as much time getting trained as they spent (in) studying.就不难选对D,此时did指代spent。 7、It was believed that things would get worse, but ____ it is they are getting better. A、before B、after C、because D、as 8、As time went by, the plan stuck ____ fairly practical. A、to proved B、to proving C、proved D、to be proved 9、More than one ____ the people heart and soul. A、official has served B、officials have served C、official has served for D、officials have served fo 7、D 本题要求考生会分析语意。本题联系到省略:but as it is going now, they are getting better(这和前面提出的would get worse作意义比较)。 8、A 本题要求学生会分析句子。本题为省略which/that的定语从句,proved是the plan的谓语,stick to的宾语是which/that。 9、A 本题考查主谓一致问题。more than one后跟动词的第三人称单数形式。serve此处为及物动词 10、The president stood by a window inside the room, ____, looking over the square. A、where I entered B、into which I entered C、whi


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